From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Solution: Create a table

Solution: Create a table

(upbeat music) - I hope you were able to add the requested schema and table into the Kinettico database. Let's walk through the steps to getting this done. Here in Azure Data Studio, the first thing I'm going to do is find the database I want to work with. So I'm just going to collapse everything on the left hand side of my Connections sidebar. And then expand into my Kinettico server. There is the databases folder and there is the database we created in the prior challenge. All right, right now there's no tables in here. And if I expand the Security folder and find the Schemas folder, you'll see that there's lots of schemas but there's nothing in here yet except the standard dbo schema that is used for our user databases. So let's get started. You're going to right click on the database, and choose New Query. And the first thing we're going to do is create our schema. So that's CREATE SCHEMA. And the schema that I asked…
