From the course: Database Foundations: Intro to Databases

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Organize a database with schemas

Organize a database with schemas

- [Instructor] Databases are created to organize data, but that doesn't mean you can just throw everything into a single table and expect to get good results. To get the most out of a relational database, you need to create an organized structure upfront, before you even add your first piece of data. We've discussed how relational databases split information up across multiple tables in order to create efficiencies in the system. A common way to illustrate or diagram the tables in a database is to draw a box around the name of the table, and then list the columns that the table includes down below. For instance, in a database designed for a library, a table about books might get diagrammed like this. The table will contain a column to store the unique ID number for each book, the title, the publication date, and have two columns that'll link to values in other tables that identify the author and the publisher. Then the…
