From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: IoT Devices

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- [Narrator] You've made it to the end. Now, let's talk about what comes next. It is important we understand IoT. It permeates our lives both locally and globally. It has become part of our environment. It even shapes our expectations and interactions with others. Now if you want to learn more, make sure you choose a reputable source. As you might imagine, I recommend watching other courses here on LinkedIn Learning. For more on IoT specifically, watch IoT Foundations Fundamentals. And even though this course is titled for executives, I think it is actually written perfectly for people who aren't technically experts. So, if you are interested in cyber security, but aren't in tech industry, this is a good one. I myself publish a newsletter on LinkedIn for non-technical and cyber beginners. Every week I break down cyber terms, so we all can understand it. You can subscribe easily on my LinkedIn profile page. And tag…
