From the course: Cybersecurity Awareness: IoT Devices

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How to create strong passwords

How to create strong passwords

- [Instructor] Almost all online activities like reading your email and doing your banking need the use of a password and while using an easy, simple password is easier, doing so might be extremely dangerous to your online security. You should pick passwords that are strong, lengthy, and challenging for hackers to crack, but are yet manageable for you to remember. Although most websites are secure, there is always a little possibility that someone would attempt to access or steal your information. This is referred to as hacking. One of the greatest ways to protect your accounts and confidential information from hackers is to use a strong password. Common password mistake is that some of the most popular passwords are built on family names, interest, or just straightforward pattern. These passwords are among the least safe. That's despite the facts that they are simple to remember. For example, consider this password.…
