From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

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The historical context of LGBTQ+ equity

The historical context of LGBTQ+ equity

From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

The historical context of LGBTQ+ equity

- It's important for us to acknowledge the dense history of workplace inequity for LGBTQ+ people around the world. I want to take us back to the roots of the struggle to bring awareness and to lessen our chances of repeating these missteps. Our collective efforts towards advancing equality depend on it. In 1953, US President Eisenhower signed an order that banned gay people from working federal jobs. This was a policy based on the unfounded fear that gay people posed a threat to national security because they were vulnerable to blackmail. This was a part of an intense period of anti LGBTQ+ persecution and discrimination known as the Lavender Scare. From the late 1940s to the 1960s with no anti-discrimination protections to speak of, American society followed Eisenhower's lead and began barring LGBTQ+ people, and even people suspected of being LGBTQ+, not only from employment in the federal government, but from everyday jobs, as well. This was a social climate where it was nearly…
