From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

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Strategies for sustainable and equitable change

Strategies for sustainable and equitable change

From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ+

Strategies for sustainable and equitable change

- When companies are able to recognize and meet the individual needs within a diverse team of employees, they don't just foster inclusivity, they drive business productivity. We should want to open the door for our LGBTQ+ colleagues, equipping them with the tools they need to thrive, because closing the door and neglecting their needs will only dull their performance. We've covered a lot throughout this course, and now it's time we talk through a solid and sustainable action plan to keep the door open. Now that we know more about using inclusive vocabulary, we should begin by combing through our current policies, making sure no exclusionary language is being used. The interesting thing about vocab is that it's constantly evolving and changing. Language is like a living, breathing organism, and we should embrace that. That means we should be routinely checking up on the vocab being used in our company policies. Be sure that gender and sexuality are explicitly referred to in policy…
