From the course: Business Etiquette: Phone, Email, and Text

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Messaging etiquette: Texting

Messaging etiquette: Texting

Yawning, you wake up on Monday morning, rubbing your eyes, you roll over in bed, you grab your phone and you send your partner, Chris, a "good morning" message. But then you get this response. "This is not Chris. This is your supervisor, Christine." Yikes. You accidentally sent a message to your manager that you thought you sent to your partner. This is the stuff that nightmares are made of. As for me, my retirement would be effective immediately. I'm turning in my badge and I'm escaping to an island. The lines between personal and professional have been blurred, especially since more people are working remotely and as mobile technology advances. If you're issued a work cell phone or you use your personal phone for work, you may find yourself texting other professionals when building relationships, collaborating on projects, networking, and even interviewing. So let's break down 10 strategies for texting etiquette that show teamwork and create positive interactions when building…
