From the course: Business Etiquette: Phone, Email, and Text

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Messaging etiquette: Instant messaging (IMs) and chat

Messaging etiquette: Instant messaging (IMs) and chat

From the course: Business Etiquette: Phone, Email, and Text

Messaging etiquette: Instant messaging (IMs) and chat

Usually, formal communication has formal expectations, and we've been talking a lot about formal business communication. But what if I told you there was a method of business communication where casual tones, short sentences, and abbreviations are actually welcomed? Well, this unicorn of business communication is called instant messaging or IM. You more than likely use it. Think Zoom Chat, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Workspace, WebEx. For some companies, IM is the main way that employees communicate. IM'ing is a fast and casual form of communication for internal conversations. However, a major mistake when IM'ing is becoming too comfortable too quickly. Let me show you how to avoid making this mistake as you navigate this magical place of instant messaging. Let's begin with how you enter the chat. When setting up your IM, select a screen name that's reflective of your first and last name so that colleagues can recognize you easily. So while names like Dog Lover 937 are fun, they…
