From the course: Business Etiquette: Phone, Email, and Text

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Email etiquette: BCC, CC, automatic messages, and read receipts

Email etiquette: BCC, CC, automatic messages, and read receipts

From the course: Business Etiquette: Phone, Email, and Text

Email etiquette: BCC, CC, automatic messages, and read receipts

Have you ever accidentally included the wrong person on an email or sent an email before you finished writing it? It is the worst feeling ever. Or have you ever been included unnecessarily in an endless email thread between other people, that not only does it clog your inbox, but you forgot the original topic and you wonder why you were included in the first place? Selecting the appropriate categories for recipients helps protect the information you're sending and the recipient's privacy. So let's go through the choices you have when it comes to address fields and automatic messages. You may already know these things, but I'll share these tips with you so you can be more strategic. We'll start with the three main address fields; To, Cc, and Bcc. Use "To" for primary recipients, use "Cc" or carbon copy to send a copy to indirect recipients, and use "Bcc" or blind carbon copy to send a copy to indirect recipients without showing they were included. Couple of things to remember: If…
