From the course: Building in Microsoft Copilot Studio

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Microsoft Copilot Studio quickstart

Microsoft Copilot Studio quickstart

- [Instructor] You can quickly get started with Microsoft Copilot Studio. First, let's find a target of business for our demo. Introducing Explore California, a fictional tour company that offers various tour packages you can easily build your AI-powered virtual assistants. The company website has lots of content. For example, all kinds of tour information, resources for planning your trip, and contact information. Customer support is critical to our Explore California business. We want to help our customers easily find the information they want while also reducing the workload of our travel agents. Let's use Microsoft Copilot Studio to quickly build an AI-powered virtual assistant or Copilot. It can chat with our customers and answer their questions based on the content of our website. Open the browser, then visit I will sign in with my work account. Here's my Microsoft Copilot Studio. In the left menu, click home. Then click create a Copilot. We can name…
