From the course: Analyzing VoIP Traffic with Wireshark

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- [Instructor] TCP/IP or the internet suite is a set of protocols that allows us to communicate and exchange data on the network. The suite defines how data is packetized, addressed, transmitted, and routed. TCP/IP is the predominant communication suite and resides at the network and transport layer. Other protocols will ride on top of the TCP/IP suite, such as HTTP, FTP, and SMTP. The network layer deals with routing the packets from the source to its destination. The main players in the network layer are IP and ICMP. IP is responsible for addressing, and it doesn't have any error reporting functions. IP is a connectionless, best effort protocol, meaning there's no guarantee it will get to its final destination. ICMP is used along with IP to carry error, routing, and control messages. It does not exchange any data between systems. The transport layer provides data transport, and the key players are TCP and UDP. Transmission Control Protocol is a connection-oriented protocol that…
