From the course: Agile Project Management with Microsoft Project

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Reprioritize and manage the backlog

Reprioritize and manage the backlog

- [Instructor] In Agile projects, requirements evolve as work progresses, which means you might have to remove features from the backlog. In addition, you reevaluate feature points and priorities before you assign features to the next sprint. So we're looking at our custom backlog view. If you need to apply that view, go to the Task tab, click the bottom half of the Gantt Chart button and choose Backlog. Suppose there's a new feature for the backlog. I'm going to scroll down and then in the first blank name cell, I'm going to add the name of the feature. When I press Enter or Tab, you'll notice that the sprint is assigned to No Sprint, which is what I want, and the Show on Board is set to Yes, which is also what I want. So I can go to the Points cell and put in the points for this feature. Let's say it's two. Then for Feature Priority, I'll set that as two as well. Let's reapply the backlog group. So I'm going to go…
