From the course: Advanced Python: Object-Oriented Programming

Using Codespaces

- [Instructor] This course is using GitHub's Codespaces, which means you don't need to install anything and you can work directly from your browser with a nice IDE. As an experienced developer, you should probably know how to set up your own environment and how to install Python packages. But to ease up with learning, we are using Codespaces. Head over to the GitHub repository for the course. Click on the green Code button, select the Codespaces tab, and click on Create codespace on main. Once the IDE is ready and you see the preview and a clean shell, it means you're ready to go. Here are the files in the chapters, and I am using the Jupyter extension, so we have code cells. Let me hide this one. So you can run every cell. Every time you see a comment with 2% mark, this is a cell and you can run it, and you're going to see the output on the next video. Follow the course and see how it's done.
