From the course: Acrobat Pro Essential Training

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Redact content

Redact content

- [Instructor] Let's say you need to release a document, but you also need to remove certain content. Maybe because it's proprietary information and you want to make absolutely sure that that content is completely eliminated and no one can just search the document to find any remnants of it. Acrobat's ability to redact content lets you do just that. I'm going to come over to the tools panel, and here I'll click the redacted PDF tool. And now we see the redaction tools here in the panel. And I'll just close this. Now first, let's click set properties. This is where we can specify how the redaction areas will look. The default color is black, and I think I'll keep it that way. So it'll be obvious what content has been redacted. You could choose any other color or even white if you just want it to look like empty space if your paper is white, but I'm going to leave that set to black. We can also add some overlay text to…
