From the course: Access Basics for Excel Users

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Create relationships

Create relationships

- [Instructor] Creating relationships between common fields in separate tables is the first step in maximizing the use of Access' powerful features. A relationship basically allows us to bring different datasets together in one table without having to manually add or copy data. And to do this, all we need is a field that's common to both tables. Make sure you have 02_03_Relationships open to follow along with me, on the left-hand side, under the All Access Objects window, where you'll notice the two tables that have already been imported into our database. Now let's go to Database Tools and select Relationships. When the Show Table dialog box appears, simply select both tables and then click on Add and then Close. Now to make this next step a little bit easier, let's go ahead and drag the Category table a little bit lower down. What you'll notice is the Area Name is a common field that exists in both of our tables.…
