In life everybody makes their own choices but in the end our choices make us. explore, collect and create to grow your empire on the playground today!

Report RSS NPC Intelligence Features:

Playground has fully recreated how NPCs look, interact, and engage with the player and environment.

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combine 1

Playground has fully recreated how NPCs look, interact, and engage with the player and environment.

NPC Intelligence Features:

  • NPCs have integrated intelligence powered by Chat GPT. You must type "openai_key ( YOUROPENAIKEYHERE )" in the console to allow this feature to work.
  • NPCs can respond to a players questions via chat and voice. Powered by Chat GPT.
  • NPCS have team based relations based on a players job. If you are on the police team Combine NPCs will treat you as a team member.
  • If you attack an NPC on your team the NPCs on your team will attack you back for betraying them.
  • If you shoot a civilian they will call the police on you.
  • If you kill a police officer you will automatically be put on the wanted list and CP will come after you.
  • Unarmed NPCs will pull concealed weapons if attacked.
  • NPCs interact with each other and hold full conversations.
  • NPCs will run for cover, call for help, and open doors.
  • Police NPCs use radio to communicate situation status.

NPC Weapon Features :

  • NPCs have the ability to use all weapons and explosives a player can.
  • NPCs will throw a multitude of grenades types ( frag, flashbang, smoke, ect. ).
  • NPCs pick up dropped weapons and ammo.
  • NPCs throw colored smoke to call in over watch air support.
  • Weapon and attachment randomization. No NPC will spawn with the same weapons.

NPC Models and Animation:

  • New Citizen Models.
  • New Combine Models.
  • 27 replaced animations.
  • 30 added and replaced sound and vocal samples.

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