Soul of Azores is a game where you are an explorer that was sent to the Azores islands to find, research and photograph the newly discovered dark corals in the mid-oceanic ridge, and during your adventure you start gathering new informations regarding the life under that warm sea. Just you, a camera and maybe some jellyfish trying to get to you, try to succeed and continue on with your mission to deliver good reports and researches.

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'Soul of Azores' another update! — Another devlog showing you the updates!

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'Soul of Azores'

Devlog #8 — Another Update!

Hi everyone, hope you are doing great! Regarding this week, we will show you mostly the sketches that our artist made for the character! What our programmer is working on as well as the game designer! Again, we will start mostly having updates from our artist from now on, since he is the one with the most updates to do during these next few weeks! :D


For the art, our artist, made the sketches for the character, which he was able to provide them for us to show you today! The choosen thumbnails to work on the sketches were the following — Figure 1, Figure 2 —, and the sketches regarding each one of them are the following — Figure 3, Figure 4, Figure 5, Figure 6 —.


Figure 1 — Thumbnail Choosen (1)


Figure 2 - Thumbnail Choosen (2)

1 1

Figure 3 - Sketches, thumbnail 1 (1)

1 2

Figure 4 - Sketches, thumbnail 1 (2)

2 1

Figure 5 - Sketches, thumbnail 2 (1)

2 2

Figure 6 - Sketches, thumbnail 2 (2)

Regarding Programming...

This week, our programmer continued her work on optimizing code and not only that, she started working on a "Save" options, for when the player dies, you are able to have your pictures still! She is putting much work on getting all of the programming part done and is very hyped to have a test build for us to try it!

Game Design…

As for game design, I am currently updating socials whenever we have something to update you, continuing tests whenever we need to test something regarding the game! Not only that, but also I am currently working on the report for our game, it's still a work in progress, and will take up the most time, but we are very excited to have future updates with art! :D

Thank you!

For this week, that's all we have! For these next few weeks we expect to have more character updates for you to see, from our artist, or at least some assets to show you, so that our programmer can build the level in Unity!

Hope to see you again next week, we are very excited about Soul of Azores, hope you are too! :D

— SeaSharp Games

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