Pokémon MMO 3D is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game in the Pokémon theme. Trainer and pokemons are controlled with third-person camera. Fight in Real-time battles, play with your friends and the community. Currently in alpha, download on the webSite pokemon-mmo-3d.com

RSS Reviews  (10 - 20 of 47)

I love Pokémon MMO 3D for its spectacular reinvention of the Pokémon universe with breathtaking graphics thanks to the Unreal Engine. The freedom to capture all available Pokémon and engage in PvP battles has captivated me. The team's dedication to listening to their community and regularly updating the game has impressed me. A must-have for any Pokémon fan and MMO adventure enthusiast.


The best game of its kind, and most importantly, the developers do not stand still, but always try to improve the gameplay

Still in early Alpha, but promissing game. Hope the development continues


OGTebo says

Agree Disagree

Great in progress game. This is not a finished product but has so much potential. Always wanted a Pokemon game like this!


I like the real time battles in 3D, exploration and surprises with this online game.
It's so awesome get it fast !

best pokemon game i have played

Great fan game, an engaging must-play for Pokémon fans!

Wild Pokémon work closer to the newer games (and the anime) as there's no tall grass, rather you'll find them roaming around the map, combat is quick-paced, added the stamina and move cooldowns make this flashier and more elaborate, however if you get more than one Pokémon's attention you won't be able to attack more than one Pokémon at once meaning you'll be in for trouble.

Graphics are what you'd expect, they're modern and refined, the environment vast and realistic, however, this can be to the game's detriment as certain routes may feel empty at times, Pokémon may also feel rather scarce due to how sparse they can be (pun intended), it can also make it easy to get lost, there is a minimap but it isn't much help as it will only show the player's location alongside Pokèmon and NPCs.

Combat takes a different engaging take from the classic games, rather than being turn-based it's real-time battles with stamina bars, plus you're allowed six moves for Pokémon rather than four, to capture Pokémon they'll need to faint first which is a great feature that's rather close to the anime.

Weakened Pokémon heal over time while outside of battle so long as they've not fainted, at which point you can only take them to Pokèmon centers for healing, there are zero heals for sale and Pokéshops which may make your journey rather challenging and frustrating at times.

Due to the game's combat system Pokémon moves have new takes to them, having a cooldown upon being used alongside an energy bar which will force the player to think and use their wide moveset wisely, some Pokémon do have lackluster movesets with little variety to their moves however, missing signature moves such as Snorlax's Body Slam and Hyperbeam, Gyarados lacks any offensive water type moves, rain dance being the only exception.

The game allows you to customize your character by choosing a hairstyle, hair and eye colors.
Apart from that, there are skins in the trainer shop, filled mostly with iconic characters from the videogames such as Red, Blue, May, Giovanni and a few others.

Although it clearly needs major improvements this stands as one of the better fan games out there, you will not be disappointed as it is a quality game that's worth checking out for yourself.


a bit internet issue but otherwise the game is pretty good

This particular fan-made game is named Pokémon MMO 3D - and is a MMO or massively multiplayer online game. It is aiming to recreate the Pokémon-world online where players can create their own character and then re-live the Pokémon world of the GameBoy-games together with friends or alone in a world with many other trainers that they can compete with and battle.

There is a huge world with many cities, wild forests and isles, over 200 different Pokémon - at least the three first generations are available. It is using a completely fresh battle-system that isn't turn-based anymore. You can choose to teleport to other regions using the Alakazam in each region, or you can travel the vast distances by journeying yourself from city to city like in the handheld games.

Just like in the handheld titles you can start with one out of three Pokémon - the original three which are a Charmander, a Bulbasaur and a Squirtle - then there is a free Pikachu upstairs in the starting building as well. Furthermore an Eevee can be found in one of the houses of Pallet Town, and a Hitmonchan and a Hitmonlee can be found in the gym of Cerulean city - there are no Gym Leaders to battle yet - but Brock is in the game unlike all the other gym leaders. Giovanni could be played as though.

I also did find a Kabuto, an Omanyte and an Aerodactyl inside of the pink building of Pewter City. They're supposed to be extinct Pokémon so I'll see why they're so easy to get. I thought the Aerodactyl would be harder to get. Easily one of my favorites from the original 151 Pokémon.

I enjoyed playing the game, and being an MMO it will take many hours to progress in order to travel to each region and catch them all. But I'd say this MMO has a lot of promise, it's been around since about 2017 - and I did first find it in 2019 when I did first attempt to play it and record it. I played it for about 4 hours back then and I did record while playing - but due to my mic not working due to being broken - I had to scrap the recorded material and try again a few days ago. So I did in-fact replay what I did the last time - but unlike back then I knew about the Pikachu and three of the other starting Pokémon after having watched Youtube-videos.

I didn't know about the extinct Pokémon of Pewter City so that was something I did find out myself. It's sad that they've removed all the alternative skins for the starting characters from the start. It would be better for this game if every skin was available when creating the character, as they were in previous versions of the game. Back in 2017 all the skins were available from the start while now you have one look for the boy, and one for the girl - that sucks. Of course they're unlockable during gameplay but that's just annoying to have to unlock things that should be there from the start.

Of course the game has many regions and cities that look barebones right now, and I think the game could use NPC-humans in the cities walking around. It has wild Pokémon walking around, and the players are not numerous enough for the cities to feel alive. The developers should consider adding human NPC:s to make each city come alive more - and make them walk around and run randomly. It's a little too empty currently - something players can't fix.

Think GTA and let the population be NPC as well. Because the cities feel empty of humans. All in all I'd rate this game pretty high it being made by fans. 9/10 as this is something I wanted as a kid. Nintendo let players down by keeping the RPG/adventure to the handheld systems - when everyone wanted Pokémon Stadium with the RPG features. It should have been on the Nintendo 64. Pokémon Colosseum was cool but it had a different style of capturing Pokémon, where you didn't capture wild ones like in the handheld titles - something I were always disappointed in.

I wanted the handheld title with Pokémon Stadium graphics and animations. This fan-made game has Pokémon GO models of the Pokémon, and it does offer the adventure and the huge world - but it still lacks the Gym leaders/Elite Four and the RPG-elements where you'd get quests from NPC-characters. Instead it's just up to the player what you wanna do and no-one is offering any story or any quests which is boring - but if you know the story then you can relive it pretty well even without the NPC:s and the gym leaders/elite four.

The developers do need to focus more on the single player experience for each player and add NPC-quests and Gym leaders. I can't say it's finished as it' probably a WIP (work in progress) and as such I can understand certain things missing in the game. But without what I just mentioned it feels empty and incomplete.

For more on this title check out my video here:

Incredible stuff