
Code Type Publication
IB 87 IAU Information Bulletins/Catalyst Information Bulletin n° 87
June 2000
IAU Secretariat
1 Jan 2000
Electronic version
IB 85 IAU Information Bulletins/Catalyst Special Issue: Preliminary Program of the XXIVth GA in Manchester, August 7-18, 2000
Information Bulletin n° 85
October 1999
IAU Secretariat
1 Oct 1999
Electronic version
IB 84 IAU Information Bulletins/Catalyst Information Bulletin n° 84
June 1999
IAU Secretariat
1 Jun 1999
Electronic version
IAUS 194 IAU Symposia Active Galactic Nuclei and Related Phenomena
Byurakan, Armenia, August 17-21, 1998
Eds. Y Terzian, D. Weedman & E. Khachikian
ISBN 1-886733-008-0
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUS 193 IAU Symposia Wolf-Rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starbust Galaxies
Puerto Vallarta, México, November 3-7, 1998
Eds. K.A. van der Hucht, G. Koenigsberger & P.R.J. Eenens
ISBN 1-58381-004-8
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUS 192 IAU Symposia The Stellar Content of Local Group Galaxies
Cape Town, South Africa, September 7-11, 1998
Eds. P. Whitelock & R. Cannon
ISBN 1-886733-82-1
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUS 191 IAU Symposia Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars
Montpellier, France, August 28 - September 1, 1998
Eds. T. le Bertre, A. Lèbre & C. Waelkens
ISBN 1-886733-90-2
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUS 190 IAU Symposia New Views of the Magellanic Clouds
Victoria, Canada, July 12-17, 1998
Eds. Y.-H. Chu, N.B. Suntzeff, J.E. Hesser & D.A. Bohlender
ISBN 1-58381-021-8
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUS 186 IAU Symposia Galaxy Interactions at High and Low Redshift
Kyoto, Japan, August 26-30, 1997
Eds. J. Barnes & D.B. Sanders
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-5832-5 (HB), 0-7923-5833-3 (PB)
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUS 183 IAU Symposia Cosmological Parameters and the Evolution of the Universe
Kyoto, Japan, August 18-22, 1997
Ed. K. Sato
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-5459-1 (HB), 0-7923-5460-5 (PB)
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUC 173 IAU Colloquia Evolution and Source Regions of Asteroids and Comets
Tatranská Lomnica, Slovak Rep., August 24-28, 1998
Eds. J. Svoren, E.M. Pittich & H. Rickman
The University of Rochester
ISBN 80-88780-32-2
1 Jan 1999
IAUC 172 IAU Colloquia Impact of Modern Dynamics in Astronomy
Namur, Belgium, July 6-11, 1998
Eds. J. Henrard & S. Ferraz-Mello
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-5842-2
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUC 171 IAU Colloquia ASP Conference Series Vol. 170
The Low Surface Brightness Universe
Cardiff, UK, July 5-10, 1998
Eds. J. Davies, C. Impey & S. Phillips
ASP Conference Series
ISBN 1-886733-92-2
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUC 170 IAU Colloquia ASP Conference Series Vol. 185
Precise Stellar Radial Velocities
Victoria, Canada, June 21-26, 1998
Eds. J.B. Hearnshaw & C.D. Scarfe
ASP Conference Series
ISBN 1-58381-011-0
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUC 169 IAU Colloquia Variable and Non-Spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot Stars
Lecture notes in physics Vol.523
Heidelberg, Germany, June 15-19, 1998
Eds. B. Wolf, O. Stahl & A.W. Fullerton
ISBN 3-540-65702-9
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAU Transactions B XXIIIrd General Assembly - Transactions of the IAU Vol. XXIII B
Proceedings of the 23rd General Assembly
Kyoto, Japan, August 18 - 30, 1997
Ed. J. Andersen
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-5588-1
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAU Related Publications La Carte du Ciel
Correspondance Inedite Conservée dans les Archives de l'Observatoire de Paris
Ed. I. Chinnici
Tira Pustaka Jakarta
ISBN 2-901057-40-3
1 Jan 1999
IB 83 IAU Information Bulletins/Catalyst Information Bulletin n° 83
January 1999
IAU Secretariat
1 Jan 1999
Electronic version
IAUS 188 IAU Symposia The Hot Universe
Kyoto, Japan, August 26-30, 1997
Eds. K. Koyama, S. Kitamoto & M. Itoh
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-5059-6
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAUS 185 IAU Symposia New Eyes to See Inside the Sun and the Stars: Pushing the Limits of Helio and Astero-Seism
Kyoto, Japan, August 18-22, 1997
Eds. D.W. Kurtz, J.Christensen-Dalsgaard & D. Kurtz
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-5075-8
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAUS 184 IAU Symposia The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies
Kyoto, Japan, August 18-22, 1997
Ed. Y. Sofue
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-5060-X (HB), 0-7923-5061-8 (PB)
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAUS 179 IAU Symposia New Horizons from Multi-Wavelenght Sky Surveys
Baltimore, USA, August 26 - 30, 1996
Eds. B.J. McLean, D.A. Golombek, J.J.E. Hayes & H.E. Payne
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4802-8
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAUC 168 IAU Colloquia Cometary Nuclei in Space and Time
Nanjing, China, May 18-22, 1998
Ed. M. A'Hearn
Kluwer Academic Publishers
in prep.
1 Jan 1998
IAUC 167 IAU Colloquia ASP Conference Series Vol. 150
New Perspectives on Solar Prominemces
Aussois, France, April 28 - May 4, 1997
Eds. D. Webb, D. Rust, & B. Schmieder
ASP Conference Series
ISBN 1-886733-70-8
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAUC 166 IAU Colloquia The Local Bubble and Beyond
Lecture notes in physics Vol.506
Garching b. München, Germany, April 21-25, 1997
Eds. D. Breitschwerdt, M.J Freyberg & J. Trümper
ISBN 3-540-64306-0
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAUC 164 IAU Colloquia ASP Conference Series Vol. 144
Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources
Socorro, New Mexico, USA, April 21-26, 1997
Eds. J.A. Zensus, G.B. Taylor & J.M. Wrobel
ASP Conference Series
ISBN 1-886733-64-3
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAUC 162 IAU Colloquia New Trends in Astronomy Teaching
London and Milton Keynes, UK, July 8-12, 1996
Eds. L. Gouguenheim, D. McNally & J.R. Percy
Cambridge University Press
ISBN 0-5221-62373-1
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAU Related Publications ASP Conference Series Vol. 139
Preserving the Astronomical Windows-JD5 Proceedings at the XXIIIrd IAU-GA
Kyoto, Japan, August 22-23, 1997
Eds. S. Isobe & T. Hirayama
ASP Conference Series
ISBN 1-886733-59-7
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IB 82 IAU Information Bulletins/Catalyst Information Bulletin n° 82
June 1998
IAU Secretariat
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAU Highlights XXIIIrd General Assembly - Highlights of Astronomy Vol. 11 (Parts A + B)
As presented at the XXIIIrd General Assembly of the IAU
Kyoto, Japan, August 18-30, 1997
Ed. J. Andersen
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 90-7923-5619-9 (set of A + B, HB),90-7923 -5617-9 (set of A + B, PB)
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version Electronic version 2
IB 81 IAU Information Bulletins/Catalyst Information Bulletin n° 81
January 1998
IAU Secretariat
1 Jan 1998
Electronic version
IAU GA Newspapers IAU General Assembly 1997
The Sidereal Times
Kyoto, Japan
18 Aug 1997
Electronic version
IAUS 189 IAU Symposia Fundamental Stellar Properties: the Interaction Between Observation and Theory
Sydney, Australia, January 13-17, 1997
Eds. T. Bedding, A.J. Booth & J. Davis
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4651-3
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUS 182 IAU Symposia Herbig-Haro Flows and the Birth of Low-Mass Stars
Chamonix, France, January 20-26, 1997
Eds. B. Reipurth & C. Bertout
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4660-2
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUS 181 IAU Symposia Sounding Solar and Stellar Interiors
Nice, France, September 30 - October 3, 1996
Eds. J. Provost & F.-X. Schmieder
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4838-9
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUS 180 IAU Symposia Planetary Nebulae
Groningen, The Netherlands, August 26-30, 1996
Eds. H.J. Habing & H.J.G.L.M. Lamers
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4892-3
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUS 178 IAU Symposia Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes and Processes
Leiden, Netherlands, July 1-5, 1996
Ed. E. F. van Dishoeck
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4538-X
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUC 165 IAU Colloquia Dynamics and Astronometry of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies
Poznan, Poland, July 1-5, 1996
Eds. I. Wytrzyszczak, J.H. Lieske & R.A. Feldman
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4574-6
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUC 163 IAU Colloquia ASP Conference Series Vol. 121
Accretion Phenomena and Related Outflows
Port Douglas, Australia, July 15-19, 1996
Eds. D.T. Wickramasinghe, G. Bicknell & L. Ferrario
ASP Conference Series
ISBN 1-886733-41-4
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUS 170 IAU Symposia CO: Twenty-Five Years of Millimetre-Wave Spectroscopy
Tucson, AZ, USA, May 29 - June 5, 1995
Eds. W.B. Latter, S.J.E. Radford, P.R. Jewell, J.G. Mangum & J. Bally
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4283-6
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUC 161 IAU Colloquia Astronomical and Biochemical Origins and the Search for Life in the Universe
Capri, Italy, July 1-5, 1996
Eds. C.S. Cosmovici, S. Bowyer & D. Werthimer
Warsaw Technical University
ISBN 88-7794-092-1
1 Jan 1997
IAU Related Publications IERS Technical Note 23
Def. & Realization of the Intern. Celestial Ref. Syst. by VLBI Astrom. of Extragalactic Objects
Eds. C. Ma & M. Feissel
Bulletin Géodésique
1 Jan 1997
IAU Technical Meetings Wield-Field Spectroscopy
Athens, Greece, May 20-25, 1996
Eds. E. Kontizas, M. Kontizas, D.H. Morgan & G.P. Vettolani
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4518-5
1 Jan 1997
IB 79 IAU Information Bulletins/Catalyst Information Bulletin n° 79
January 1997
IAU Secretariat
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IB 80 IAU Information Bulletins/Catalyst Information Bulletin n° 80
June 1997
IAU Secretariat
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAU Transactions A Transactions of the IAU, Vol. XXIII A
Reports on Astronomy 1993-1996
Ed. I. Appenzeller
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4540-1
1 Jan 1997
Electronic version
IAUC 160 IAU Colloquia ASP Conference Series Vol. 105
Pulsars: Problems and Progresses
Sydney, Australia, January 8-12, 1996
Eds. M. Bailes, S. Johnston & M.A. Walker
ASP Conference Series
ISBN 1-886733-25-2
1 Jan 1996
Electronic version
IAUS 176 IAU Symposia Stellar Surface Structure
Vienna, Austria, October 9-13, 1995
Eds. K.G. Strassmeier & J.L. Linsky
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4026-4
1 Jan 1996
Electronic version
IAUC 158 IAU Colloquia Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
Keele, UK, June 26-30, 1995
Eds. A. Evans & J.H. Wood
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4195-3
1 Jan 1996
Electronic version
IAUS 175 IAU Symposia Extragalactic Radio Sources
Bologna, Italy, October 10-14, 1995
Eds. R. Ekers, C. Fanti & L. Padrielli
Kluwer Academic Publishers
ISBN 0-7923-4121-X
1 Jan 1996
Electronic version


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