Administrative Dates & Deadlines

Please note that in case of a deadline on a particular calendar date, the time of the deadline is 11:59 PM clock time in the IAU office in Paris, France on that given date. In European winter, Paris clock time is UTC + 1 hour. In European summer, Paris clock time is UTC + 2 hours. 


Oct 1 IAU Individual and Junior Membership Application Process Opens
Sep 30 Letters of Intent Published
Sep 30 Evaluation of OAE Host Proposals Completed
Sep 15 Reminder to Submit Candidates for the PhD Prize
Sep 15 DEADLINE for Letters of Intent for 2021 Symposia
Sep 1 Reminder: The Gruber Foundation Fellowship Applicants to Submit their Applications
Aug 20 Selected participants of the 1st Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education will be informed Paris
Jul 30 DEADLINE for applications to attend and contribute to the 1st Shaw-IAU Workshop on Astronomy for Education Paris
Jun 30 Annual fee invoice Annual National Membership Fee Invoice - 1st reminder
Jun 30 Deadline for Full Proposals to be submitted to the IAU General Secretary to host the OAE
Jun 15 PhD Prize Winners Announced
Jun 7 Accepted Junior Members Announced
May 31 -
May 15
Communication to the SOC of the Final Selection of Symposia
May 31 Applicants will be Notified by the IAU General Secretary of the Outcome of the Selection for the Gruber Fellowship and Announcement is Posted
May 13 -
May 16
Executive Committee Meeting 103 (IAU 100 Anniversary) Rome
May 9 Announcement of Recipients of the Gruber Foundation Cosmology Prize
May 1 Call for Letters of Intent (LOI) for Symposia and Focus Meetings for the GA 2021
Apr 15 Deadline for the Finance Committee to Provide the IAU General Secretary with the Annual Report on the Accounts
Apr 10 -
Apr 13
IAU 100 Year Celebration Event Brussels
Apr 1 Opening of the Call for The Gruber Foundation Fellowship Applicants to Submit their Applications for Next Year


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