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Calling All Streamers, YouTubers, and More!

The Humble Games Creator Program offers content creators a variety of perks, rewards, opportunities, and behind-the-scenes information. Whether you've played one Humble Games-published title or twenty, the Creator Program is perfect for any content creators who want to play a wide variety of excellent games, unlock exclusive benefits, and join other creators interested in supporting excellent developers all over the world. Plus, you'll be part of a force for good to help charity and make a positive impact through gaming.

Humble Rewards

We take a relationship-first approach with the creators we work with, and we want to offer support in the way that's best for you. As a part of this program, ALL creators will:

  • Receive a key for any game published by Humble Games
  • Get the inside scoop on new games and insider information (subject to an NDA, of course!)
  • Become eligible for additional game keys for giveaways and community support
  • Gain access to game asset kits, stream assets and overlays, and more
  • Get priority invitations for paid opportunities, including hosting, sponsored streams, and livestream events
  • Be eligible for game merchandise and creator kits for game launches—either to give away or keep for yourself
  • Receive offers for exclusive opportunities such as developer interviews, early game access, and playtests
  • Receive an invitation to our private Discord channel just for partnered creators

This list is not exhaustive and may change over time as we evolve to meet the needs of creators.

Charitable Contributions

Charity has always been in Humble's DNA. Each month, we create a Tiltify campaign and encourage creators to help us fundraise for our monthly Featured Charity. In the past, we have supported top charities such as The Trevor Project, One Tree Planted, SpecialEffect, and many more. We also support major fundraising events like Extra Life, and we'd love creators who share our vision and values to be a part of our team!

Investing in Your Success

We offer a wide variety of promotional opportunities that we reserve for our partners. Whether it's simple social media amplification of your content or exclusive early access and preview opportunities, we want to help our partnered creators grow and be successful in their careers. We're also committed to ensuring inclusion & diversity in our program and in the creator community at large.

Creator Standards

Please be aware that we have high standards for our creator community. The standards that we uphold ourselves to, and expect of our creators, include:

  • Inclusivity: We're dedicated to creating and fostering an inclusive community by actively welcoming the underrepresented and ensuring the opportunities we offer represent that inclusivity. We also expect our creators to demonstrate a commitment to creating inclusive online spaces. We will have zero tolerance for racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, questioning of gender identity, criticism of mental or physical ability, or any form of harassment whatsoever.
  • Respect: Every creator relationship we create will be based on respectful treatment of one another, and we will work with creators who commit to fostering respectful communities.
  • Impact: We have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on individuals in our communities, marginalized groups, charities, and social causes. Whenever possible, we will seek to turn that opportunity into action.

Applications may be denied or membership rescinded at any time for any creators that we feel do not match these standards.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the criteria to join the program?

To apply, you should have at least 100 followers on Twitch or 100 subscribers on YouTube. We will also consider creators active on other platforms on a case-by-case basis. Please note that not all applications that meet this criteria will be accepted.

What do I have to do to remain a part of the Creator Program?

We want the requirements for inclusion in the program be minimal. We just ask that our program members devote at least two hours to creating content about any title published by Humble Games each month. This helps us make sure that what we're providing is relevant to you, while also maintaining a community that best supports our development partners. We do expect to offer more opportunities to the most engaged creators.

I applied, but I haven't heard back yet. When will my application be reviewed?

Apologies! We're a very small team, so it may take some time for us to get back to you. Please rest assured we do intend to respond to every request.

If I'm accepted into the program, do I have to tell people?

The short answer is “yes.” We adhere to the FTC's guidelines around disclosures, and you may also need to adhere to your own local regulations. We ask that our creators ensure that their communities understand the relationship that the program creates. We can help to guide you through any questions about proper disclosures.

Do I have to be in the Creator Program to work with Humble Games?

Not at all. We plan to work with a wide variety of creators across the gaming community. However, we will prioritize members of the program whenever possible, especially highly engaged creators.

How can I request a key for a title from Humble Games?

We're on Lurkit! You can see all the games we're offering keys for at our Lurkit company page.

Is this the same as the Humble Bundle Partner Program?

No. This program is specifically designed for content creators who want to partner with Humble Games. You can also join Humble Bundle's program, which is great for creators who want to support bundles, Choice, or games on the Humble Store.

Will I get paid for creating content as a part of this program?

Not directly. This program doesn't offer a standardized pay-for-content guarantee for participants. We will, however, offer a variety of paid opportunities to program participants whenever possible. We're also committed to adding as much non-monetary value to creators' careers as possible through opportunities that grow their communities and make their lives easier.

I have more questions!

We have more answers! You can get in touch with our community team at [email protected].