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[Altered Melee] Spellbringers - Open Beta (and chance to win up to $300)

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Hosted Project: SB
Level 13
Jun 11, 2004


Spellbringers is a total conversion mod for Warcraft III Reforged, completely changing the game into a classic real-time strategy game that is full of surprises. It boasts all new units, many custom models, and completely asymmetric factions. There are no heroes in Spellbringers, however, each faction can construct a unique Spellbringer, a mighty structure that casts powerful global spells. Economy, base-building, large-scale management, and small-scale skirmishes are all essential to Spellbringers gameplay, and the Spellbringers themselves lend a special twist to each of these mechanics. Spellbringers has been in development for over 3 years in its current iteration and is now ready for public beta. Join our Discord server to get access to the game and play now!

The inhabitants of the Spellbringers universe are ruled by several gods, each the embodiment of their individual aspect. These gods grant mighty powers to their followers through the use of their Spellbringer structures. Each Spellbringer is a conduit that channels magical energies from the godly realms, allowing mere mortals to direct them and cast powerful, global spells.

For more information, you can watch this short video for an introduction to Spellbringers gameplay.


Spellbringers currently features 3 unique factions, with a fourth planned for post-release development.


The Order faction worships Valantor, the god of order. Valantor's followers consist primarily of humans and celestial beings such as valkyries and angels. Additionally, these humans can construct mighty machines of war such as the devastating catapults and looming airships. The Order faction prefers to approach problems through superior strength and brute-force tactics. It is also the easiest faction for beginners, while still offering a challenge for veteran players to master.

For a brief introduction to the Order faction, watch this short video.


The Nature faction worships Shaela, the goddess of life and nature. Her followers consist of elves, treefolk called Dendroids, faefolk, and various wild beasts. This is a deadly faction that requires guile and finesse to master. It is a challenging race for beginners, but once initiated players will find themselves enjoying the unique base mechanics and tactical gameplay.

For a brief introduction to the Nature faction, watch this short video.


The Death faction worships Ket, lord of the underworld and ruler of the dead. His followers are radical cultists, crazy scientists, and undead monstrosities. The Death faction can raise a horde of zombies to overwhelm opponents in a battle of attrition, or can choose to slink around the shadows using deadly vampires and vengeful spirits. This faction can be easy to approach but difficult to master.

For a brief introduction to the Death faction, watch this short video.


Open Beta​

Spellbringers is currently in open beta, meaning it is fully available to the public to play, but is currently still under development. The game is fully playable and all three factions are fleshed out. However, at this stage your feedback is vital to the continued development of Spellbringers. We want you to enjoy the game, play with us, and give us your feedback about bugs, balance, and fun. Sending us your replays is also incredibly valuable. Those who join us during this stage will have a distinct advantage in the upcoming tournament, as they will have more time to master the game. Once we are satisfied with the state of the game, we will enter full release.

At this stage in beta, Spellbringers is primarily a multiplayer experience. It features two 2-player maps and four 4-player maps, with one map specifically for 2v2. More will be added in the future, including 3v3 and 4v4 maps. At this time, the AI is basic and only supports playing the Order faction, but will suffice for getting your bearings. For the best Spellbringers experience, join our Discord community to arrange head-to-head, free-for-all, or 2v2 multiplayer matches. You can also observe others playing the game.

Full Release​

Full Release simply means that the game is stable and fun. Development on Spellbringers will still continue throughout release, with balance changes likely and the addition of a completely new faction, Chaos.

Head-to-head Tournament​

Once Spellbringers is in Full Release, we will host an online tournament with a $300 prize pool. This tournament will be broadcast live on Twitch. More information about tournament structure, prizes, and schedule will be released as we approach this milestone.

Single-Player Campaign​

Once the factions are all completed, a single-player campaign is planned. This campaign will delve into the world of Spellbringers and focus on the rivalries between the various gods and goddesses and the mortals who get caught in the crossfire. The campaign will likely be released in stages, with each faction having their own campaign series.


  • You can download the maps here.
  • Join our Discord community to chat with us, arrange games, provide feedback, and get access to the latest version of the maps and patch notes.
  • Check out our YouTube channel for helpful build order guides, VoDs with commentary, and more.
  • Feel free to send a message to Bawbz at the wonderful Hive Workshop for questions or feedback.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you soon!
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