• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. đź”—Click here to enter!
  • âś… Time to vote for the top 3 models! The POLL for Hive's 6th HD Modeling Contest: Mechanical is now open! đź“… Poll close on July 16, 2024! đź”— Cast your vote now!
  • âś… The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! đź”—Click here to cast your vote!
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  • hii there Darious first of good luck with the project ,secondly i have a sugestion for the kirin tor factiin use the hydromancer as the base model and turn it into a kirin tor Arcainest with violetish robe and and the Dalaran eyes insted of the arrows on the sholders and a diffrent staff ,and maby a diffrent crown ,to your connsidertion of cource .🙂
    Thanks for the suggestion mate!
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    Reactions: Dord96
    Since there is a Scarlet Crusade in the "Age of WarCraft"-Mod, what do you think of this idea/suggestion:
    The Dark Horde(Bascially the Old Horde with Orcs, Ogres, Forest Trolls and Goblins + Black Dragons) as playable fraction in the "Age of Warcraft"? ^^
    Hey there, the factions that you are referring are going to be made separately. The images here are mostly obsolete. You can follow the progress of our mod here.
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    Reactions: Razk
    Hey! Is it possible to see more about the buildings and units from more factions in Age of Warcraft?? I have seen you have pics from Burning legion or more factions. It would be great if you could show about Satyrs, Forsaken or less known factions!
    Hey mate! The photos that we have posted in hive about our races are mostly obsolete and we plan to reshoot them in the near future. You can follow our progress at this link where we show our current work.
    Hi, I downloaded some of your models and used them as basic for new characters and wanted to ask you if I can publish them. I would also specify your model as basic. It's a blood knight on your kael with Felo'melorn basic. and a Black Rook guard based on the Nightelf Swordmaster.
    The map for this should be a multiplayer scenario. It's a plot from WoW Legion. It should be a triology. It starts with the Legion story, followed by a prequel and finally a sequel.

    You can also answer me in an Login • Instagram
    damionbanks0304 - Damion Banks

    Please use the yellow Edit button at the bottom of your posts and add text there instead of writing one post after another of yours unless it's an important update.
    Think you could make a naga spellbreaker?
    Interesting idea, i ll give it a try.
    i have concept art if it helps, I don't know how to PM on the new Hive version though...
    Hi I recently downloaded the blood knight matriarch and for some reason the unmounted model does not show up but the mounted does. Do you know what might be causing this?
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