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(Wild) Reborn Quest Paladin

  • Last updated Jun 28, 2024 (Second Reno & Zilliax Nerf)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 8 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reborn Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 12060
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/20/2024 (Baku & Genn Expansion Pre-Patch)
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Uses Making Mummies to duplicate Mechano-Egg (or Mechanical Whelp) with magnetic minions to buff, such as Zilliax or Prosthetic Hand, for Kangor's Endless ArmyCountess Ashmore is used to guarantee a draw of Zilliax and a deathrattle target. 

Micro Mummy is used instead of Shotbot since it's a better magnetic target (although it's a good substitute). Magnetic minions should be kept to a limit in order to generate a better pool for Kangor's Endless Army. This means magnetizing preferable targets such as the aforementioned Micro Mummy or Mechano-Egg rather than spreading out minions (only 3 are revived through Kangor's Endless Army).

Remember that mechs duplicated through Emperor Wraps are added to said pool hence the importance of investing magnetized minions into 1 or 2 targets throughout a game. One of these mechs should be Mechano-Egg and worst-case scenario Mechanical WhelpEmperor Wraps is best used on reborn minions or super magnetized mechs with deathrattles. 

E.T.C., Band Manager discovers The Badlands Bandits (tempo and Burly; doesn't conflict with Kangor's Endless Army), Shrink Ray (can be played on curve also assists deathrattles and reborn) and Mechanical Whelp (for a worst-case scenario Emperor Wraps target). E.T.C., Band Manager can be substituted for a Annoy-o-Module