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(Wild) Big Duel Paladin

  • Last updated Jul 15, 2024 (Second Reno & Zilliax Nerf)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 21 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Big Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 25300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/20/2024 (Baku & Genn Expansion Pre-Patch)
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Cheat out big minions using Prismatic LensDuel!, Front Lines and Blatant Decoy. The beast package using Oondasta and Thunderbringer can cheat out big beasts including Charged DevilsaurOzumatShirvallah, the Tiger as well as Neptulon the Tidehunter and Ragnaros the Firelord.

Deck uses Beasts (Charged DevilsaurOondastaOzumatThunderbringer, Shirvallah, the Tiger, Bad Luck Albatross, Gattlesnake), Elementals (Charged DevilsaurThunderbringerNeptulon the TidehunterRagnaros the Firelord) and Neutral minions (Prince RenathalKangor, Dancing KingBlatant Decoy, Amitus, the PeacekeeperY'Shaarj, Rage Unbound).

Use the secret package to stay alive (with Prismatic Lens for 1 mana behemoths) along with Mining Casualties, City Tax and Mysterious BladeFlash Sale can be a sturdy 2/4 divine shield taunt or combo with Ozumat (and its herd of 6 Dire Mole); regardless the card can find lethal with Front LinesOondasta, Neptulon the Tidehunter (30 damage with buffed hands) or Thunderbringer.

Call to Adventure draws Prince Renathal, Bad Luck Albatross or Gattlesnake next Kangor, Dancing King before Blatant Decoy. This means you can consistently tempo play a 5/6 Prince Renathal or, at the very least, guarantee a target for mana cheat (Kangor, Dancing King, Blatant Decoy). 

Bad Luck Albatross fits well into the deck. Front Lines pulls Albatross making the opponent have a weaker board (and easy overkill targets for Oondasta). With Redemption, or through Desperate Measures, a Bad Luck Albatross can activate its deathrattle multiple times. Call to Adventure creates a 6/5 (Flash Sale makes a 5/5) ideally removing Bad Luck Albatross from the late pools for ThunderbringerFront Lines and Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound. Primarily added to deter Highlander.

Amani War Bear, or Beached Whale when released, could substitute for Charged Devilsaur

Expensive but fun; I've been building a duel paladin deck since Uldum trying to get Blatant Decoy and Oondasta to work.