GTA Online Casino Heists Disabled As Rockstar Races to Fix Critical Exploit

No timeline has been provided for the return of Casino Heists, but history suggests it could take days or even weeks.

Grand Theft Auto Online has once again found itself in the crosshairs of miscreants. Despite the game’s decade-long run, it continues to draw millions of players and, unfortunately, its fair share of malicious actors. To wit, Rockstar Games has been forced to pull the plug on one of the game’s most beloved features: Casino Heists.

On June 13, alarm bells started ringing when Rockstar insider TezFunz2 spotted a backend update indicating that Casino Heist planning had been temporarily disabled on PC. Shortly after, Rockstar Games confirmed the community’s worst fears via its Support account on X (formerly Twitter), citing a “vulnerability with GTA Online on PC.”

But what exactly is this vulnerability? While Rockstar has been tight-lipped about the specifics, calling it only a “critical exploit,” the rumor mill is churning with speculation. Some players on GTA Forums have reported incidents eerily reminiscent of the January 2023 exploit.

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These claims point towards a remote code execution (RCE) exploit, potentially allowing hackers to alter in-game character stats like money, appearance, or reputation. Even more concerning, there are assertions that the exploit might let attackers access files on players’ computers or open applications without permission (talk about taking “grand theft” to a whole new level!).

In response to this, Rockstar has not only shut down access to Casino Heists but also restricted players from setting up the Arcade Property. The good news (depending on the audience) is that console players can breathe a sigh of relief. This whole drama is currently a PC-exclusive problem, leaving Xbox and PlayStation users free to continue their heisting hijinks.

For PC players, however, the wait for a fix could take a while. Rockstar hasn’t provided a timeline for when normalcy will be restored, but if history is any indicator, it could be days or even weeks before the Casino Heist reopens its doors.

In the meantime, Rockstar advises affected players to stick to closed sessions like invite-only lobbies, which are reportedly safe havens from this exploit. It’s not quite the same as pulling off a high-stakes heist with your crew, but it beats having your hard-earned GTA dollars swiped by a hacker.

As we wait for Rockstar to patch up this security hole, PC players can still make some money with Agency Security Contracts. In this week’s event, solving the case of Dr. Dre’s stolen cell phone in The Data Leaks will earn you a cool GTA$100,000.

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Avatar of FinalBoss_87

Active member

108 messages 65 likes

There will always be those sorts of "players". They look for any way to exploit a game and have an edge on others. It ruins the experience for everyone else. At least they caught on fast enough and can work to fix the issue.

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Avatar of FragMaster2000

Active member

117 messages 67 likes

Always on PC. This is why I gave up playing on PC years ago. The player base has too many trolls, hackers, and just annoying exploit hunters. No thanks.

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68 messages 26 likes

It sucks that a few bad apples can really ruin and experience for so many people.

I don't even think this occurs to people that are like this. They only think about themselves. People like to say the worst gamers are the ones that like banter and get carried away with their words... No. You can mute and block them. THESE are the worst players because they force devs to change and repair the game because of their selfishness.

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Avatar of gamerGuru

Active member

141 messages 103 likes

This is dumb. Like not them locking the heists but them having to do it. People suck. I still play on PC from time to time but man, they really get shafted hard when it comes to crappy players.

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Avatar of StarryNight29

New member

12 messages 8 likes

I wonder if they got this fixed yet. A friend of mine that only plays on PC is pissed about it.

He basically ran the casino heist once a week with some friends since covid lockdowns.

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Caleb Sama
Caleb Sama // Articles: 28
Ever since Caleb discovered GTA 3, he has taken it upon himself to learn everything there is to know about the fictional worlds created by Rockstar Games. His obsession with Red Dead Redemption earned him the nickname John Marston. Thankfully, GTA V was released a few years later, and he found a new game to fixate on. Now, he simply crawls the web like a bot, searching for every bit of information that might give him a headstart on GTA 6. // Full Bio