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  1. powerPlayer

    CrowdStrike is costing businesses MILLIONS

    Guess who doesn't have work because of the outage? I am going to go play some GTA online on PC and see how long I last before I rage quit. lol
  2. powerPlayer

    You think we will see Sea World in GTA 6?

    I know, right? It sounds so ridiculously fun to me. I would be down for stuff like this in the game if they make it fun and interesting.
  3. powerPlayer

    GTA Memes

    I didn't see a thread for GTA memes so I figured I would make one. Feel free to share your favorites in this thread. It can be our own community collection of them!
  4. powerPlayer

    The leak suggested gyms will be part of the game

    I can't see them being anything other than world filler but that is just me. Like they will likely allow us to enter them and mess with some stuff but stats and everything will not be changed by them.
  5. powerPlayer

    You think we will see Sea World in GTA 6?

    I know there was talks of the game having some sort of amusement park something like Disney Land but I am wondering if they will tie in Sea World with this. I would think it would be easier for them to program an interactive Sea World vs Disney Land. They could even tie in some activist crimes...
  6. powerPlayer

    The Great GTA 6 Spoiler Evasion: Tips and Tricks for Fans

    It is likely. We live in different times now and people are just all to eager to share stuff with everyone they know. My own father has a habit of ruining TV series for me. I stopped telling him what I was watching until after I finish the series lol
  7. powerPlayer

    You Can Now Pre-Download GTA Online Bottom Dollar Bounties on PS4 and PS5

    This is going to go live for everyone tomorrow then? I thought there was a one week early access for GTA+ members, maybe that was something different idk.
  8. powerPlayer

    Favorite GTA cop quotes?

    I enjoy all the cops from every game. The funnier stuff comes in the later games for sure though. I hope they make it even funnier in GTA 6.
  9. powerPlayer

    The Great GTA 6 Spoiler Evasion: Tips and Tricks for Fans

    This is actually handy cause I do want to avoid spoilers. I am fine with learning about game mechanics but I don't want to know much about the story. I want it to be a fun experience I can be surprised by.
  10. powerPlayer

    Is The Finals worth playing now?

    I don't think so. It still has a lot of issues. I tried it a few times and uninstalled it. Not my cup of tea. It is a more complex shooter arena style game. I prefer Apex if I am going to play this sort of game.
  11. powerPlayer

    GTA San Andreas Joins PS Plus in June

    I am going to force my younger brother to play it lol He only ever played GTA 5 and was 16 when that came out. Never went back and played the older titles but since it will be free for him he has no excuse! Muahaha!
  12. powerPlayer


    It is fun to me but not very exciting. Like it is a very basic pick up and play FPS game. It feels like 2010 call of duty but looks more like a game that came out in 2016-2018. It is fairly bright. You can unlock new weapons by completing challenges and you get access to some attachments as you...
  13. powerPlayer

    PC players, what are some things modders/hackers did to mess with you?

    I don't know a single person that has not been part of the GTA zoo that has played on PC. I swear that has become just as much part of the game as driving lol
  14. powerPlayer

    Rockstar Prepares for Perfection: Zelnick Discusses Fall 2025 Launch for GTA 6

    With all this hype, they better not muck it up. This is the most anticipated game in YEARS. People that normally don't even game are talking about it. A friend I have at work said he is getting a console just to play this when it comes out. He hasn't had a console since Xbox 360 lol
  15. powerPlayer

    PC players, what are some things modders/hackers did to mess with you?

    I had this happen to me so many times I lost count. One of the funnier ones was when they trapped a player who was in a jet in the cage but it took the entire jet with him so it exploded on all of us lol
  16. powerPlayer

    Apex Legends

    Yeah same. It sucked when it was new but it grew on me too. I am loving the OG map again which I never thought I would. I can't remember how many transitions it went through but I know this one I hated a lot before.
  17. powerPlayer

    Apex Legends

    My buddy that I play with was joking saying it is "Fixed Moon" now because the map is way better than it was before. I like it more myself but I still prefer Storm Point.
  18. powerPlayer

    Have you seen the aurora borealis/northern lights?

    A friend of mine that is in Europe said they were seeing red. I am not sure what causes that or what that even means. I was sleeping when it would have been peak time to see it so I did not get to. lol
  19. powerPlayer

    Can't wait for it

    Good time to get one since you can find them cheaper now. I got one on sale not that long ago. One thing I will tell you is to make sure you register your controller cause mine had stick problems and I didn't do this so I couldn't send it to them to be fixed for free. I did do it with the...
  20. powerPlayer

    I think GTA 6 will cost more than $70 USD

    Well shit... That is not good. I can totally see them trying this though. I think people pushing back on them getting rid of physical media slowed things down but I feel like this might be the direction we are heading too. Not good.