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  1. PixelPerfect

    What is the most fun passive thing to do in GTA online?

    I hang out at the casino and mess with the games there. If I am not in the mood for that, I will go off-roading or race. If enough people are on that I play with we will make up objectives and games within the world too.
  2. PixelPerfect

    Canis Castigator, New Community Series Arrive in GTA Online

    I kind of like that Castigator. It is different enough from other vehicles in the game to make me want one. Might have to snag one if I can manage it.
  3. PixelPerfect

    CrowdStrike is costing businesses MILLIONS Yikes. I tried playing GTA last night and could not get my Xbox to work. Now I know why. This is bad. The massive outages appear to be in the US, New Zealand, and Australia.
  4. PixelPerfect

    The leak suggested gyms will be part of the game

    Not sure I would like this. I mean if it was a complementary aspect sure but if it gets too far into realism, it becomes a chore to play the game. Maybe that is just me though.
  5. PixelPerfect

    Allowing players to pay each other for jobs?

    I hope they are listening more this time around and not hesitating in the beginning like they with with GTA 5 online. People had amazing ideas they did not implement for YEARS.
  6. PixelPerfect

    How does everyone feel about the new 'Bottom Dollar Bounties' DLC?

    I guess they based the pay on time more than anything. These still pay more than most missions in the game and some missions take longer than some bounties.
  7. PixelPerfect

    Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC

    So are we going to be working with the cops? Against the cops? Are we going to become cops? I am not sure what to make of the trailer lol
  8. PixelPerfect

    Do you miss "the old days" of GTA online?

    I think everyone does and you can say this about a lot of games once you get to be over the age of like 25. If you played a lot of games in your teens, you look back and everyone having more time to spend online gaming. I miss it myself. I still make time for gaming but most of my friends won't...
  9. PixelPerfect

    I miss the alien war...

    Exactly. I hope they consider this sort of thing in the future if something like this springs up in the next game. I would have seen how popular it was and made it a thing with bonuses and stuff like you mentioned.
  10. PixelPerfect

    DOOM: The Dark Ages

    Soon as the music kicks in, I was sold. This feels very much like the classic DOOM game but with modern graphics and insane visuals. I am for sure going to buy it when it comes out.
  11. PixelPerfect

    I miss the alien war...

    At this point I doubt they will. They should have made it a yearly event honestly, like have it be its own GTA holiday. Missed opportunity!
  12. PixelPerfect

    Who is the Acolyte for?

    I will be honest here, I had no intentions of watching it because I am not a Star Wars fan. I like the older movies enough to watch and enjoy them but I don't know the lore nor invested in any of it. That being said, I am fascinated by the response to this series. The fact that South Park made...
  13. PixelPerfect

    Does putting on sunglasses,a mask, or a hat make a difference?

    This works but only if they have their little cones out on the map. If they know where you are (as in the entire map is lit up) then it won't do anything. The concept behind this is to add realism. If they are pursuing you and aren't sure where you are then you putting something on (or taking...
  14. PixelPerfect

    Community Series Jobs

    Did you play it yet? I gave it a go and ended up playing a few hours with some people. We ended up getting into some nonsense that had nothing to do with the mini game but it was still hella fun!
  15. PixelPerfect

    I miss the alien war...

    I want them to bring this back. Make the alien wars great again! I think this time purple can rise to occasion! I am glad we have some fun and funny memories from a time period of which most people want to forget.
  16. PixelPerfect

    I miss the alien war...

    *pulls out pool cue* You want to go brother? You don't want to catch these purple galactic fists in your face!
  17. PixelPerfect

    Battlefield 6 will likely have ads ffs...

    EA has been hated for years so I would imagine this will trigger a massive boycott and I say good. These companies need to lose money. This crap is getting ridiculous. Ads should NEVER be part of any paid service, expensively not in a freaking video game. It would be one thing if it were like...
  18. PixelPerfect

    PC players, what are some things modders/hackers did to mess with you?

    I have had something similar to what the pic says only funnier. I can't remember it word for word but the guy put that I got busted for cheating and will be monitored followed by 2 warnings and a countdown that notified me I would be blown up and my account terminated. After the countdown my...
  19. PixelPerfect

    Vice City Story Recap

    May as well watch it for a refresher. I got a few hours to kill before I head to my mom's for mother's day. I am shocked I was never recommended this vid with the amount of GTA stuff I watch on YouTube lol
  20. PixelPerfect

    Did you ever kill all the pigeons in GTA 4?

    I used to 100% all the games I played including this one so I killed them all. I stopped caring so much about 100%ing games around 2012. Needless to say I never 100%'d GTA 5.