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  1. starrysquirrel

    Will they improve the shooter experience in this one?

    I am shocked this is not brought up more. Like I get the main aspect of the game focusing on driving but even that sucked arse in other GTA titles. Like GTA 4 was bad with it. GTA 5 was an improvement big time but the guns and shooting mechanics as a whole never really got a good upgrade or update.
  2. starrysquirrel

    The best and worst of Rockstar Support

    I wish I was this lucky. Most of the time I just get completely ignored by support. The few times they responded, they were not helpful at all. I certainly was not given money either. I wish I got Ray responding to me. lol
  3. starrysquirrel

    When can we expect Micheal to join GTA Online

    I am sure there is someone that would be excited for it. Maybe like 2 or 3 people in the entire world. :ROFLMAO: Either way, my money is on it not happening at this point.
  4. starrysquirrel

    Why is Rockstar Games Seemingly Snubbing GTA PC Fans?

    I don't think they ever fully invested in PC players. Look how many years people been complaining about hackers and stuff screwing up the game. Like everyone I know that plays PC games stopped playing GTA online years ago because of it and said they would never play GTA online again.
  5. starrysquirrel

    GTA Online Players Are Mourning the Loss of the Harmless Telescope Glitch

    Yeah it did not really give an unfair advantage over other players so why not just leave it? Most people that knew of it are pissed about it.
  6. starrysquirrel

    Huge Summer GTA Online Update Confirms Link to Upcoming GTA 6

    I would have never been able to spot that necklace. I swear some GTA fans have way too much time on their hands. LOL This is still big news though. I think they are going to start bridging the worlds. Very exciting!
  7. starrysquirrel

    Assassin’s Creed Shadows Backlash

    Exactly. It is honestly unheard of for games to do this badly out the gate but I guess in recent years it has become a common trend because devs and companies are getting too greedy.
  8. starrysquirrel

    In the entire franchise, what was your favorite character to play as?

    Tommy closely followed by Niko. Both were enjoyable for different reasons. I think Tommy was the dude you could live the crime life through and just have fun with and Niko was more like a road to redemption story.
  9. starrysquirrel

    Do you remember Marnie?

    I had completely forgotten about her. I remember thinking Niko was a cool dude because he helped her. I like these minor touches in games that humanize characters.
  10. starrysquirrel

    Assassin’s Creed Shadows Backlash

    Probably. A game like this probably gets 5 times the amount on console so I expect each to have 1,000+ each which is still terrible.
  11. starrysquirrel

    When can we expect Micheal to join GTA Online

    I don't know if we can expect him at this point. Like mentioned, it seems odd they haven't added him already and it seems unlikely they will because of that. Maybe they add him this year but I doubt it.
  12. starrysquirrel

    Rockstar Teases Vigilante Content in GTA Online Summer Update

    The bounty hunting business has my attention. I think this can add a much needed refresher to the game for a lot of players!
  13. starrysquirrel

    Assassin’s Creed Shadows Backlash

    I don't see it blowing over just like how that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League game didn't just see a blow-over. People still playing the game are in the hundreds which for a game that cost THIS much to make... is bad.
  14. starrysquirrel

    Special Collector's Edition GTA 6 - What will be included?

    I wouldn't mind a miniature model of one of the vehicles in the game. I would be happy with that and poster. They don't need to go overboard.
  15. starrysquirrel

    IGN bought up a bunch of smaller gaming news sites, what is going on?

    It is just to control the market. They have big pull and a wide reach so gaming companies will feel even more inclined to make games that would appeal to them and not actual gamers. Nothing new.
  16. starrysquirrel

    Assassin’s Creed Shadows Backlash

    Yeah, I think at this point they just need to go bankrupt. A lot of these companies got taken over by activists and greedy corporate leads that only care about money and how to squeeze as much money out of people as possible.
  17. starrysquirrel

    I miss the alien war...

    I forgot about this. LOL!! Now I am remembering all the stupid stuff people were doing. Like I was late to what was happening and remember joining a lobby with a punch of aliens and a large group of green ones just going around and beating up other people haha!!
  18. starrysquirrel

    Assassin’s Creed Shadows Backlash

    I don't know what the heck they are thinking or doing. I have a friend in Japan and he said people are livid over their choices. They have been waiting years for them to make a game set in a Japanese historical era with a samurai and instead they chose to make one main character a girl and the...
  19. starrysquirrel

    Superyacht Life Bonuses Set Sail in GTA Online

    I could not bring myself to buy one. It was not worth it when I looked at what I would earn with the 100k bonus and the missions. Would take me longer than a week (the bonus period) to even make a a dent in the cost I would have spent on the yacht.
  20. starrysquirrel

    Superyacht Life Bonuses Set Sail in GTA Online

    Do you actually need to own a yacht to do the A Superyacht Life missions? I don't want to buy one but I would like to do the mission to get the 100k.