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  1. NeonNarwhal29

    Funniest Grand Theft Auto Moments

    Trevor tripping over the fence made me laugh pretty hard. I can't remember a lot of the funnier moments from the older games.
  2. NeonNarwhal29

    What older games would you recommend to younger players?

    I completely forgot about this game LOL! I would have never thought to recommend it either and now I want to play it. I wonder if I can find it online anywhere.
  3. NeonNarwhal29

    The leak suggested gyms will be part of the game

    I meant "stats" lol And this is what I was thinking too. Make people work for it. It shouldn't be something you can easily get. Maybe at first you get a few bars or whatever fairly quick but you need more and more to advance.
  4. NeonNarwhal29

    What sorts of clothing or costumes you hoping for?

    I want more aliens. Like the bodysuits they have in GTA 5 but a bit better and more detailed. Also give us another color. Have green, purple, and maybe blue?
  5. NeonNarwhal29

    GTA 6 is Why Xbox Is Keeping Quiet About Launch Timelines

    As in a game delay or issues at launch? Like what are you concerned about here. A friend of mine was saying it would kill the franchise if they have a Cyberpunk 2077 launch. Even if the game looks amazing, if it is broken and having massive issues they would lose 30% or more of the fanbase...
  6. NeonNarwhal29

    GTA 6 Delayed

    Some people are still saying it will be delayed. I get why. A lot of games in recent years have been delayed but I can't see this being another one of them. They know how long people been waiting for the game. I can bet it has been done for a while and they are just beta testing and making...
  7. NeonNarwhal29

    The leak suggested gyms will be part of the game

    Do you guys think this will allow us to put on muscle for our characters and increase states by working out in the gym? Maybe we will be able to own a gym to push drugs through. That would be pretty cool. What else can they be used for?
  8. NeonNarwhal29

    What would you order from Lucky Plucker?

    I don't know if I would ever trust steak or seafood from a fast food spot. I would probably get a Haven Burger and some onion rings. I would consider the zucchini a few times before changing my mind. lol
  9. NeonNarwhal29

    Bottom Dollar Bounties DLC

    I am hoping that this jump starts my interest again for the game. Don't get me wrong, I still play every week but some days I feel like there is nothing for me to do anymore. A friend of mine that hasn't played in awhile will be hopping back on for this DLC.
  10. NeonNarwhal29

    What TV series would you recommend watching currently?

    I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I grew up with the OG cartoon along with Batman, Spider-man, and the rest. I like that this kind of animation is making a comeback.
  11. NeonNarwhal29

    opinion on gta 6

    They better not go the way of many other games or it will kill the franchise for me. I can enjoy the story sure but in terms of online, I will be done. I will just stick with GTA 5 like @Genius mentioned until they pull the plug. I will not be participating in a game that forces me to buy stuff...
  12. NeonNarwhal29

    Cruise Vespucci in Style With the Latest GTA Online Bonuses

    I wonder how much that paint job will cost after June. Going to get it on at least one of my vehicles before they end it though. I just have to decide which it will look best on. Glad they are adding in new paint jobs like this.
  13. NeonNarwhal29

    What TV series would you recommend watching currently?

    I second this. Great series! It tackles a lot of adult topics better than other standard super hero stories and franchises as it is mature. Similar to the Boys but I actually enjoyed this one more. I think a new season is coming soon. If you like slapstick comedy then I Think You Should Leave...
  14. NeonNarwhal29

    GTA 5 Cements Its Legacy With 200 Million Copies Sold

    I am shocked they didn't hit this mark sooner. Like this game has been selling for over 10 years. I know it gained a number of new players too when they added it to Xbox and PS's sub services.
  15. NeonNarwhal29

    Have you seen the aurora borealis/northern lights?

    I was not able to see it but I got to see family pictures. They looked similar to this. Sucks when this was happening it was cloudy as heck out every dang night.
  16. NeonNarwhal29

    Assassin’s Creed Shadows Backlash

    Maybe this is a hot take, I don't know but for me Assassin's Creed died when Desmond did. I have not played any game since and I don't plan on it.
  17. NeonNarwhal29

    How much do they expect us to pay?

    This is what I am beginning to see. I asked this question on other platforms and most people say that so long as people give them the money they ask for, they will keep asking for more.
  18. NeonNarwhal29

    There are clearly enough players, why is it so hard to do missions now?

    Don't overthink it. People playing games online are not even thinking like that. Just add people and if they don't accept, no big deal. If they do, just make sure you don't harass them about playing every time you see them online. Just tell them you are down to play anytime you are on the game...
  19. NeonNarwhal29

    Have you seen the aurora borealis/northern lights?

    Curious to see who was able to view them. I tried last night but it was too cloudy. I guess it is going to hang around for a few more nights. It is happening because of the solar flare. I am kind of worried that the flare will cause some major issues for people. I am not prepared for grids to...
  20. NeonNarwhal29

    There are clearly enough players, why is it so hard to do missions now?

    Anytime you do happen to find someone that does a mission or heist with you, send a friend request. Worst case, they just ignore you - Best case, you have someone reliable to play with.