For most speedy deletion criteria, the creator of a page may not remove the deletion tag from it; only an editor who is not the creator of a page may do so. A creator who disagrees with the speedy deletion should instead click on the Contest this speedy deletion button that appears inside of the speedy deletion tag.
People also ask
Dec 29, 2014If someone requests speedily deletion of your article based on this criteria, you need to make sure that you state why the topic is notable.
Resign yourself if needed � Merging: Discuss with others what article(s) this one could possibly be merged into or otherwise redirected to. � Userfying: Request�...
Jun 7, 2020There is a long list of criteria that would warrant a speedy deletion. The most relevant for our purposes include: copyright infringement,�...
If this is your situation, the first thing you need to do is click on the “Contest this speedy deletion” button that appears inside the speedy deletion tag.
Apr 6, 2024... Deletion requests. Missing legal information. If there is some licensing information missing, then the file gets tagged as missing�...
This page lists articles using the {{delete}} template. Before speedily tagging and deleting an article, ensure that it meets the criteria for speedy deletion.
Nov 14, 2014Once an article is nominated for “speedy deletion,” the creator of the page is notified and a red tag is placed at the top of the article,�...
Jun 18, 2024If a page has survived a prior deletion discussion, it should not be speedy deleted except for newly discovered copyright violations.
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