Lethal Legacy: Linda Fairstein

Author: Linda Fairstein
Book: Lethal Legacy

When Assistant District Attorney Alex Cooper is summoned to Tina Barr’s apartment on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, she finds a neighbor convinced that the young woman was assaulted. But the terrified victim, a conservator of rare books and maps, refuses to cooperate with investigators. Then another woman is found murdered in that same apartment with an extremely valuable book, believed to have been stolen. As Alex pursues the murderer, she is drawn into the strange and privileged world of the Hun…more

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message 1: by Katie

Katie Casey so cool to SEE the setting of the book!

Kitty Tomlinson I can't wait to read this new novel of this series. I enjoy the characters and seeing how they develop. I especially like the history of the settings. Very well researched and written.

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