2013 Reading Challenge
Participants 419,166
Books Pledged 23,765,876
Avg. Books Pledged 56
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Will has read 51 of 50 books in 2013.
  • A Permanent Member of the Family by Russell Banks
  • The Wind Is Not a River by Brian Payton
  • Astoria by Peter     Stark
  • The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
  • Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
  • Bird Box by Josh Malerman
  • Among the Great Apes by Paul Raffaele
  • The Enchanted by Rene Denfeld
  • Private Empire by Steve Coll
  • The Salinger Contract by Adam Langer
Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Sidharth (new)

Sidharth Panwar Well done, Will!

message 2: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks, Sid. I wish I could manage more, but this seems to be what I can handle.

message 3: by Kenneth (new)

Kenneth What was your favorite book of the year, Will?

message 4: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Visitation Street - And yours?

message 5: by Kenneth (new)

Kenneth The Lowland without doubt. But I have had a good year and I'll shamelessly add a group of runners-up:
The Son
Goat Mountain
The Apartment
The Outlaw Album: Stories

The last one wasn't published this year but I chose to throw it in there anyway!

message 6: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes I have had the pleasure of The Son and Goat Mountain. The others all look pretty interesting as well. Thanks for sharing.

I have an early favorite for 2014, The Enchanted. I also have shelves for my annual favorites (fiction mostly). Here is my list for this year,

Kelly (Maybedog) Congrats and Happy New Year!

message 8: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Thanks Kelly. Back at ya

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