2017 Reading Challenge
Participants 3,087,627
Books Pledged 141,596,207
Avg. Books Pledged 45
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Aleksandra has read 131 of 52 books in 2017.
  • Burma by Naomi Duguid
  • Asian Pickles by Karen Solomon
  • Japanese Pickles Cookbook by Ken Sato
  • Japanese Pickles Cookbook by Ken Sato
  • Zima by Michał Ochnik
  • Taste of Persia by Naomi Duguid
  • Masks of Charos in Modern Greek Demotic Songs – Sources, Repr... by Michał Bzinkowski
  • Rozmyślania by Marcus Aurelius
  • The Fox's Tower and Other Tales by Yoon Ha Lee
  • Uncanny Magazine Issue 2 by Lynne M. Thomas
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message 1: by Magdalena (new)

Magdalena Och. :o

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