2017 Reading Challenge
Participants 3,087,635
Books Pledged 141,596,207
Avg. Books Pledged 45
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Matthew has read 137 of 75 books in 2017.
  • Black Sunday by Thomas  Harris
  • The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
  • Two Graves by Douglas Preston
  • Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
  • Strange Weather by Joe Hill
  • The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
  • Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel
  • Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
  • All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders
  • The Whispering Room by Dean Koontz
Comments Showing 1-50 of 68 (68 new)    post a comment »

message 1: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Thanks, Rajat! You too!

message 2: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Thanks! You too, Stephanie!

message 3: by Loretta (new)

Loretta Best of luck Matthew! :)

message 4: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Thanks, Loretta! Hope you have a great reading year, too!

message 5: by Loretta (new)

Loretta Matthew wrote: "Thanks, Loretta! Hope you have a great reading year, too!"

Thank you! :)

message 6: by Peter (new)

Peter Matt. You've read some awesome books this year, but that one about the stangels needing dates. I gotta know what you were thinking when you could have chose between that movie and that book. Are they friends?

message 7: by Issa (new)

Issa Deerbany Good luck

message 8: by Irene (new)

Irene Congrats Matthew!!

message 9: by Erin (new)

Erin Congratulations Matthew!

message 10: by C-shaw (new)

C-shaw Good on ya, Matthew. I always enjoy your reviews the mostest!

message 11: by Matthew (new)

Matthew C-shaw wrote: "Good on ya, Matthew. I always enjoy your reviews the mostest!"

Erin wrote: "Congratulations Matthew!"

Irene wrote: "Congrats Matthew!!"

Thanks all! I didn't realize until right before I finished On The Road today that I was completing my challenge!

message 12: by Kaylin (new)

Kaylin (The Re-Read Queen) Great job, Matthew! You're on fire this year! :)

message 13: by Ginger (new)

Ginger Nice job Matthew!! I've enjoyed all of your reviews this year as well!

message 14: by Jaline (new)

Jaline Congratulations on completing your reading goal! Terrific!

message 15: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Jaline wrote: "Congratulations on completing your reading goal! Terrific!"

Ginger wrote: "Nice job Matthew!! I've enjoyed all of your reviews this year as well!"

Kaylin wrote: "Great job, Matthew! You're on fire this year! :)"

Thanks all! And thanks for being a part of my reading experience! Before the Goodreads community, I never got close to reading this many books in a year.

message 16: by Cheri (new)

Cheri Congrats Matthew!

message 17: by Jeff (new)

Jeff Damn you for having time to read!!! lol. Congrats on hitting your goal!!😁

message 18: by Matthew (new)

Matthew TheLongWait wrote: "Damn you for having time to read!!! lol. Congrats on hitting your goal!!😁"

Ha! Well, it is mostly audiobooks, so I have my daily commute to thank the most!

message 19: by Candace (new)

Candace Congratulations, Matt!

message 20: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Nice going Matt!

message 21: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Holly wrote: "Nice going Matt!"

Candace wrote: "Congratulations, Matt!"

Cheri wrote: "Congrats Matthew!"


message 22: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Joint Congratulations, super early! :)

message 23: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Congratulations Matthew!

message 24: by Calis (new)

Calis Johnson Way to go man!

message 25: by Dianne (new)

Dianne Congrats!

message 26: by [deleted user] (new)


message 27: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Dianne wrote: "Congrats!"

Calis wrote: "Way to go man!"

Michelle wrote: "Congratulations Matthew!"

Sarah wrote: "Congratulations, super early! :)"

Thanks so much to everyone for being a part of my journey!

message 28: by Bianca (new)

Bianca Congratulations!

message 29: by Sundus (new)

Sundus Congratulations!!!!

message 30: by Kaya (new)

Kaya Well, that was fast. Congratulations!

message 31: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Kaya wrote: "Well, that was fast. Congratulations!"

Sundus wrote: "Congratulations!!!!"

Bianca wrote: "Congratulations!"


message 32: by ✦ Maica ✦ (new)

✦ Maica ✦ Congratulations! I'm 3 books away from completing mine :)

Sara the Librarian Oh fine Matthew make the rest of us look bad....jeez....

message 34: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Guzman Congratulations Matt for an early finish. Those audio books help get through your challenge. I do the same! 😀

message 35: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Maica wrote: "Congratulations! I'm 3 books away from completing mine :)"

Thanks! Go you, too! :)

message 36: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Sara wrote: "Oh fine Matthew make the rest of us look bad....jeez...."

Well, you know, that is my goal! ;)

message 37: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Charlotte wrote: "Congratulations Matt for an early finish. Those audio books help get through your challenge. I do the same! 😀"

Thanks! Audiobooks are great for filling up wasted time. I mean, what else am I going to be doing while I mow the lawn, commute, etc.

message 38: by Jon (new)

Jon sheesh..... well you sure aren't going to win my Slow Reader Award away from me.

message 39: by Daniel (new)

Daniel Congrats Matthew!

message 40: by Jessica-sim (new)

Jessica-sim Impressive!

message 41: by Diane (new)

Diane Wallace congrats! u did it :-)

message 42: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Jon wrote: "sheesh..... well you sure aren't going to win my Slow Reader Award away from me."

Ha! My wife asked me if this meant I was done reading for the year!

message 43: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Diane wrote: "congrats! u did it :-)"

Simone wrote: "Impressive!"

Daniel wrote: "Congrats Matthew!"


message 44: by Adrian (new)

Adrian Well done, V. impressive, and to finish on Kerouac, nice one 👍

message 45: by c (new)

c Congrats!

message 46: by emma (new)

emma congrats!!!

message 47: by Jill (new)

Jill Hutchinson Good job, Matthew!

message 48: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Adrian wrote: "Well done, V. impressive, and to finish on Kerouac, nice one 👍"

Thanks - it was a weird and wild ride - both the Kerouac book and my road to 75!

message 49: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Jill wrote: "Good job, Matthew!"

emma wrote: "congrats!!!"

Addictedtobookss wrote: "Congrats!"

Many thanks! :)

message 50: by Rhonda (new)

Rhonda B woo hoo, you did it. Double or nothing?

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