2024 Reading Challenge
Participants 8,094,440
Books Pledged 321,906,789
Avg. Books Pledged 39
Time Left 160 days, 23 hours
Malia has read 41 of 70 books in 2024.
  • Democracy in Retrograde by Sami Sage
  • Everyone Here Is Lying by Shari Lapena
  • Mad Love by Wendy   Walker
  • Long Bright River by Liz    Moore
  • After You've Gone by Margot Hunt
  • The Housemaid Is Watching by Freida McFadden
  • Such a Bad Influence by Olivia Muenter
  • Woman, Life, Freedom by Marjane Satrapi
  • Tell Me Everything by Elizabeth Strout
  • Coming Home by Brittney Griner
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message 1: by Chris (new)

Chris Good luck and Happy Reading!

message 2: by Malia (new)

Malia Chris wrote: "Good luck and Happy Reading!"

Thank you and same to you!

message 3: by PamG (new)

PamG Best wishes for a happy new year filled with wonderful books.

message 4: by Malia (new)

Malia PamG wrote: "Best wishes for a happy new year filled with wonderful books."

Thank you and the same to you!!

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