2016 Reading Challenge
Participants 2,973,598
Books Pledged 139,055,147
Avg. Books Pledged 46
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Pink has read 135 of 100 books in 2016.
  • How Proust Can Change Your Life by Alain de Botton
  • War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
  • The Holy Bible by Anonymous
  • The Literature Book by James Canton
  • The Shakespeare Book by Stanley Wells
  • Sum by David Eagleman
  • Being Mortal by Atul Gawande
  • The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin
  • Confessions of an English Opium Eater by Thomas de Quincey
  • The Birds by Daphne du Maurier
Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Josh (new)

Josh Too low of a challenge for you? Lol. You seem to read at a good pace to easily trump 50 books in a year.

message 2: by Ahmed (new)

Ahmed  Ejaz Congratulations Pink!, Awesome! you have read 50 book before 6 months. GREAT!

message 3: by Philina (new)

Philina CONGRATS!!!

message 4: by Pink (new)

Pink Thanks everyone.

Josh, I decided to lower my challenge from my usual 100 books as I was reading at a much slower pace at the end of last year. I suppose I should up it again now.

message 5: by Josh (new)

Josh Great work Pink! I'm not sure I could read 100 books a year. Work takes up too much of my time

message 6: by Pink (new)

Pink Yeah I understand that, sometimes I'm too busy working and get no reading done for weeks at a time, but then other times I read all day and finish a couple of books in one sitting. Before I joined GR I probably read 10 or 20 books a year maximum, but this group has definitely focused my reading. Plus there's always a group read or buddy read that I want to join in with and so I get through books quicker than I would otherwise. Although I don't think it really matters how many books you read. It's just nice to get swept away by a story.

message 7: by Brooklyn (new)

Brooklyn Tayla Good stuff!!

message 8: by Reynita (new)

Reynita ★ The Night Reader ★ Congratulations!

message 9: by Gill (new)

Gill Well done, Pink!

message 10: by Pink (new)

Pink Oh thanks everyone, I didn't notice I'd made it to 100 already, what a great 100th book to finish with...though of course I'll keep reading for the rest of the year!

message 11: by Brina (new)

Brina Great job!!! You are pushing me to finish mine.

message 12: by Celeste (new)

Celeste Congrats, Pink!!

message 13: by Radiantflux (new)

Radiantflux wow!

message 14: by Sue (new)

Sue K H Congratulations Pink! I can't imagine reading 100 in a year

message 15: by Loretta (new)

Loretta Congrats on completing your challenge Pink! :)

message 16: by Darren (new)

Darren I thought I was doing well with 101 books in 2016, then saw that Paula W did 104... and now this! :oO
I will have to "up my game" in 2017... ;o)

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