2023 Reading Challenge
Participants 7,927,165
Books Pledged 342,074,583
Avg. Books Pledged 43
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Laura has read 100 of 100 books in 2023.
  • Hands of Time by Rebecca Struthers
  • The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein
  • The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
  • The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappé
  • Optimal Illusions by Coco Krumme
  • Extremely Online by Taylor Lorenz
  • Freedom Is a Constant Struggle by Angela Y. Davis
  • Suppose a Sentence by Brian Dillon
  • Evil Eye by Etaf Rum
  • Except for Palestine by Marc Lamont Hill
Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Sam (new)

Sam toer Best wishes for a joyful and rewarding reading journey, Laura.

message 2: by Chris (new)

Chris Happy reading in 2023! I barely make a goal of 60 & can't imagine all my GR friends that read SO much more. BZ.

message 3: by Jill (new)

Jill Hutchinson Happy reading in 2023, Laura.

message 4: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Sam wrote: "Best wishes for a joyful and rewarding reading journey, Laura."

Thank you so much, hope you have a fantastic year of reading as well!

message 5: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Chris wrote: "Happy reading in 2023! I barely make a goal of 60 & can't imagine all my GR friends that read SO much more. BZ."

60 or any number is really amazing!! It's all about quality not quantity, hope your year is full of great books!

message 6: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Jill wrote: "Happy reading in 2023, Laura."

Happy reading to you as well, Jill! I love seeing your history reviews, hoping you have some excellent reads this year!

message 7: by Jill (new)

Jill Hutchinson Hooray!!! Some excellent books this year, Laura.

message 8: by Chris (new)

Chris You did it, my hats off to you!

message 9: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Jill wrote: "Hooray!!! Some excellent books this year, Laura."

Thank you, Jill! Hope your year was just as great!

message 10: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Chris wrote: "You did it, my hats off to you!"

Thank you! Another great year of books.

message 11: by Sam (new)

Sam toer Once again you prevailed, Laura with very interesting titles. Best wishes for a rewarding reading experience in the new year.

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