2020 Reading Challenge
Participants 5,235,936
Books Pledged 329,632,470
Avg. Books Pledged 62
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Malia has read 104 of 80 books in 2020.
  • Stoner by John  Williams
  • The Apple that Astonished Paris by Billy Collins
  • Lies She Told by Cate Holahan
  • Buried Deep by Margot Hunt
  • The Messenger by Shiv Malik
  • The Last Flight by Julie   Clark
  • The House on the Water by Margot Hunt
  • Works of William Blake by William Blake
  • Beyond Belief by Jenna Miscavige Hill
  • The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager
Comments Showing 1-19 of 19 (19 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by James (new)

James Happy New Year! I wish you tons of luck on the reading challenge. Cheers to excellent reads...

message 2: by Malia (new)

Malia James wrote: "Happy New Year! I wish you tons of luck on the reading challenge. Cheers to excellent reads..."

Thank you, James! And the best to you as well in your reading and writing!

message 3: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Good luck with your challenge Malia.🤩

message 4: by Malia (new)

Malia Andrea wrote: "Good luck with your challenge Malia.🤩"

Thank you!!

message 5: by Libby (new)

Libby Happy Reading in 2020, Malia!

message 6: by Malia (new)

Malia Libby wrote: "Happy Reading in 2020, Malia!"

Same to you, Libby!

message 7: by Belinda (new)

Belinda Happy reading 🦋

message 8: by Malia (new)

Malia Belinda wrote: "Happy reading 🦋"

Thanks, you too!

message 9: by Nancy (new)

Nancy Hudson This is my goal too! Enjoy!

message 10: by Malia (new)

Malia Nancy wrote: "This is my goal too! Enjoy!"

You, too!!

message 11: by Barry (new)

Barry Medlin Way to go Malia!! We’ve both surpassed our reading goals early!!

message 12: by Malia (new)

Malia Swaroop Kanti wrote: "yay!!! nice done, Malia - you can make it to 100!?"

Thank you! Yes, let's see...

message 13: by Malia (new)

Malia Barry wrote: "Way to go Malia!! We’ve both surpassed our reading goals early!!"

Thank you, Barry and well done to you, too!

message 14: by Bianca (new)

Bianca Congratulations. Got a favourite?

message 15: by Malia (new)

Malia Bianca wrote: "Congratulations. Got a favourite?"

Thank you! Maybe Circe my Madeline Miller. That was a real standout!

message 16: by Bianca (new)

Bianca I tried it for a short time via audiobook, I couldn't get into it. Admittedly, the subject matter/setting doesn't appeal to me.

message 17: by Malia (new)

Malia Bianca wrote: "I tried it for a short time via audiobook, I couldn't get into it. Admittedly, the subject matter/setting doesn't appeal to me."

Reading is so subjective. Do you have a favorite this year so far?

message 18: by Bianca (new)

Bianca Malia wrote: "Bianca wrote: "I tried it for a short time via audiobook, I couldn't get into it. Admittedly, the subject matter/setting doesn't appeal to me."

Reading is so subjective. Do you have a favorite thi..."

A couple: The Living Sea of Waking Dreams, The Last Migration (Migrations) were both excellent.

message 19: by Malia (new)

Malia Bianca wrote: "Malia wrote: "Bianca wrote: "I tried it for a short time via audiobook, I couldn't get into it. Admittedly, the subject matter/setting doesn't appeal to me."

Reading is so subjective. Do you have ..."

I've had Migrations on my list for a while, thanks for the reminder!

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