2019 Reading Challenge
Participants 4,350,143
Books Pledged 282,666,505
Avg. Books Pledged 64
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Philip has read 101 of 100 books in 2019.
  • Near Enemy by Adam Sternbergh
  • A Pocket History of the 1916 Rising by Tara Gallagher
  • Crean - The Extraordinary Life of an Irish Hero by Tim  Foley
  • The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz
  • The Mueller Report Illustrated by The Washington Post
  • The Andromeda Evolution by Daniel H. Wilson
  • The Second Sleep by Robert   Harris
  • The Man Who Fell To Earth by Walter Tevis
  • Tooth and Claw by Deborah Noyes
  • The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
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message 1: by Natalya (new)

Natalya Idk, I feel like you could set a goal of 150 with how well you did in 2018.

message 2: by Philip (new)

Philip Well, I think I'm caught up on any quick-reading "graphic novels" and silly Trump books I had any interest in - so that will probably lower my total. Plus, Will got me the 600-page second book in "The Expanse" series for Christmas (kind of like "Game of Thrones in space")...so anyway, I decided to set a goal I might be able to pass (yay!) rather than one I might not reach (boo!).

message 3: by Philip (new)

Philip Meanwhile, I see you're already one ahead of me for the year...so let the games begin!

message 4: by Ella (new)

Ella Some good looking books in this bunch. Must run quickly before they land on my TBR. Well done - how did you meet your goal so exactly? That's good planning! Happy New Year to you too, Philip! Here's to great reading in the 2020s!

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