2019 Reading Challenge
Participants 4,350,128
Books Pledged 282,666,505
Avg. Books Pledged 64
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Matthew has read 137 of 85 books in 2019.
  • Harmful Intent by Robin Cook
  • The Andromeda Evolution by Daniel H. Wilson
  • Danse Macabre by Stephen King
  • Layover by David      Bell
  • Descent by Tim Johnston
  • The Guardians by John Grisham
  • Heft by Liz    Moore
  • Full Throttle by Joe Hill
  • The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
  • Indeh by Ethan Hawke
Comments Showing 1-50 of 82 (82 new)    post a comment »

message 1: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Good luck with your challenge Matthew.

message 2: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Andrea wrote: "Good luck with your challenge Matthew."

Thank you, Andrea!😁😁😁

message 3: by Fran (new)

Fran Happy New Year, Matthew!

message 4: by Belinda (new)

Belinda Wow! I bet you'll do it, too.

message 5: by ~☆~Autumn (new)

~☆~Autumn Happy New Year Matthew!

message 6: by Loretta (new)

Loretta Best of luck Matthew! 😊

message 7: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Loretta wrote: "Best of luck Matthew! 😊"

~☆~Autumn♥♥ wrote: "Happy New Year Matthew!"

Belinda wrote: "Wow! I bet you'll do it, too."

Fran wrote: "Happy New Year, Matthew!"

Thank you, everyone!

message 8: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Guzman You can do it Matthew! Good Luck :)

message 9: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Charlotte wrote: "You can do it Matthew! Good Luck :)"

Thanks, Charlotte!😁

ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔ Enjoy your reading in 2019📚

message 11: by James (new)

James Happy Reading in 2019! May you love all the books you choose, and cheers to sharing a few awesome ones in common. :)

message 12: by Alyona (new)

Alyona Happy reading.

message 13: by Matthew (new)

Matthew sue wrote: "Enjoy your reading in 2019📚"

Thank you, Sue!😁

message 14: by Matthew (new)

Matthew James wrote: "Happy Reading in 2019! May you love all the books you choose, and cheers to sharing a few awesome ones in common. :)"

Yes indeed! To many shared good reads in 2019!

message 15: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Alyona wrote: "Happy reading."

Thanks, Alyona!😃

message 16: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Best of luck with your 2019 challenge. Here's hoping the new year will be a healthy and prosperous one for you and your loved ones.

message 17: by Allison (new)

Allison Good luck with your goal!

message 18: by ✨Susan✨ (new)

✨Susan✨ Wishing you all the best books for 2019.

message 19: by Sonja (new)

Sonja Good luck and good reading.

message 20: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Will wrote: "Best of luck with your 2019 challenge. Here's hoping the new year will be a healthy and prosperous one for you and your loved ones."

Thanks Will! A very kind message that I return your way tenfold! :)

message 21: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Sonja wrote: "Good luck and good reading."

✨Susan✨ wrote: "Wishing you all the best books for 2019."

readage ☕️📚 wrote: "Good luck with your goal!"

Thank you all! I hope your 2019 is a reading blast as well! :)

message 22: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Happy reading Matthew & Happy New Year!

message 23: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Nicola wrote: "Happy New Year Matthew! Good luck on your challenge!"

Lisa wrote: "Happy reading Matthew & Happy New Year!"

Thank you, Lisa and Nicola!

message 24: by Christopher (new)

Christopher Lewis Kozoriz Good luck reaching your goal of 85 books Matthew! :)

message 25: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Christopher wrote: "Good luck reaching your goal of 85 books Matthew! :)"

Thank you, Christopher! :)

message 26: by Scarlett (new)

Scarlett Readz and Runz....Through Novel Time & Distance Have a fantastic reading year :)

message 27: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Scarlett wrote: "Have a fantastic reading year :)"

Thank you Scarlett - you too! :)

message 28: by Lawrence (new)

Lawrence Good luck Matt! :o)

message 29: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Lawrence wrote: "Good luck Matt! :o)"

Thank you, sir!

message 30: by Mark (new)

Mark Long 30 books already this year! That's great, Matthew. Keep it up!

Cindy (BKind2Books) Damn, I’m impressed and feeling slightly inadequate. However the only way I’m reading more is to either retire or stop sleeping, neither of which is in my immediate future.

message 32: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Cindy wrote: "Damn, I’m impressed and feeling slightly inadequate. However the only way I’m reading more is to either retire or stop sleeping, neither of which is in my immediate future."

Ha! For me, a lot of it is audiobooks!

message 33: by Roz_Star (new)

Roz_Star Wow !!! Congrats!!

message 34: by Marie (new)

Marie Awesome Matthew! Congratulations! :)

message 35: by Deborah (new)

Deborah Obida Congrats! I'm so happy for you.

message 36: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Roz_Star wrote: "Wow !!! Congrats!!"

Thanks, Roz!😁

message 37: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Marie wrote: "Awesome Matthew! Congratulations! :)"

Thank you, Marie!😄

message 38: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Deborah wrote: "Congrats! I'm so happy for you."

Thanks, Deborah! The fact that I have managed to fit in 85 books so far this year makes me happy for me, too!😄😉

message 39: by Mark (new)

Mark Long Great job, Matthew! I'm envious only being on book 2 of a goal of 12 this year! LOL

message 40: by Patti (new)

Patti Wow and I thought 21 of my 35 goal was good ! Way to go !!!

message 41: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Mark wrote: "Great job, Matthew! I'm envious only being on book 2 of a goal of 12 this year! LOL"

Thanks, Mark! You can do it!😁

message 42: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Patti wrote: "Wow and I thought 21 of my 35 goal was good ! Way to go !!!"

Thanks, Patti!😄

message 43: by Alondra (new)

Alondra Miller Congratulations on completing early. Are you going to increase it or just keep as is???

message 44: by Rachel (new)

Rachel Aranda Congrats on meeting your reading goal of 85 books!

message 45: by Michael (new)

Michael Slavin Good job!

message 46: by Matthew (last edited Jul 12, 2019 10:24AM) (new)

Matthew Alondra wrote: "Congratulations on completing early. Are you going to increase it or just keep as is???"

Thanks! I increase it by 5 every year. But once I reach it, I leave it. So, next year it will be 90! :)

One day I will reach an amount that is the perfect balance!

message 47: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Michael wrote: "Good job!"

Rachel wrote: "Congrats on meeting your reading goal of 85 books!"

Thanks, Michael and Rachel! :)

message 48: by Quentin (new)

Quentin Wallace Wow year's only half way done, you may double your goal this year, wtg!

message 49: by Sonja (new)

Sonja Well done!

message 50: by Matthew (new)

Matthew Quentin wrote: "Wow year's only half way done, you may double your goal this year, wtg!"

Thanks Quentin! I hope so! :)

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