2019 Reading Challenge
Participants 4,350,148
Books Pledged 282,666,505
Avg. Books Pledged 64
Time Left 0 days, 0 hours
Laura has read 157 of 155 books in 2019.
  • Range by David   Epstein
  • Long Bright River by Liz    Moore
  • Three Women by Lisa Taddeo
  • Wordslut by Amanda Montell
  • Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit
  • When Women Ruled the World by Kara Cooney
  • Stay Sexy & Don't Get Murdered by Karen Kilgariff
  • Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell
  • This Is Your Brain on Birth Control by Sarah E. Hill
  • The Witches Are Coming by Lindy West
Comments Showing 1-10 of 10 (10 new)    post a comment »
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message 1: by Vikas (new)

Vikas Happy New Year and All the Best for the Reading Challenge.

message 2: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Vikas wrote: "Happy New Year and All the Best for the Reading Challenge."

Thank you, Vikas! To you as well!

message 3: by Will (new)

Will Byrnes Best of luck with your 2019 challenge. Here's hoping the new year will be a healthy and prosperous one for you and your loved ones.

message 4: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Will wrote: "Best of luck with your 2019 challenge. Here's hoping the new year will be a healthy and prosperous one for you and your loved ones."

Thank you so much, Will! I wish the same for you and yours!

message 5: by Dominika (new)

Dominika Baran This is awesome!! How did you manage to read 150 books?? But, amazing and inspiring!

message 6: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Dominika wrote: "This is awesome!! How did you manage to read 150 books?? But, amazing and inspiring!"

Audiobooks! Not all of course, but a fair amount, which is great for driving, cleaning, the gym and other tasks where I used to listen to music. Check out Overdrive if you haven't already—free app connected to your local library so you can borrow ebooks and audiobooks straight to your phone.

message 7: by Dominika (new)

Dominika Baran I am so resistant to audiobooks, yet all my friends seem to love them. I think I need to review my attitude lol! I will look up Overdrive.

message 8: by Jayson (new)

Jayson Congratulations!

message 9: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Dominika wrote: "I am so resistant to audiobooks, yet all my friends seem to love them. I think I need to review my attitude lol! I will look up Overdrive."

A good narrator definitely helps, bonus if it's the author reading their own book. Keep me posted!

message 10: by Laura (new)

Laura Noggle Jayson wrote: "Congratulations!"

Thank you, Jayson!

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