147818 John's Friend Comments

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message 8: by John

John Wiswell Ella wrote: "John wrote: "Ella wrote: "Thanks for the friend request, John! Have you read any Dunsany?"

Pleased to meet you, Ella! I only started reading him in 2013, when I was challenged to ape his style. I ..."

As someone just starting to get publications under my belt, I completely sympathize with his fear. He was unique in ways that would probably get a lot of any marketplace to shut him out. Many of our greats were like that!

message 7: by Lena (last edited Jan 27, 2015 08:32PM)

Lena John wrote: "Ella wrote: "Thanks for the friend request, John! Have you read any Dunsany?"

Pleased to meet you, Ella! I only started reading him in 2013, when I was challenged to ape his style. I failed terrib..."

So true! Though apparently his unusual prose style caused him worry - he wrote once,

"For years no style seemed to me natural but that of the Bible and I feared that I never would become a writer when I saw that other people did not use it."

message 6: by John

John Wiswell Ella wrote: "Thanks for the friend request, John! Have you read any Dunsany?"

Pleased to meet you, Ella! I only started reading him in 2013, when I was challenged to ape his style. I failed terribly, though I wrote a preposterous thing in result. He's one of Fantasy's truly unique authors.

message 5: by Lena

Lena Thanks for the friend request, John! Have you read any Dunsany?

message 4: by John

John Wiswell Ken wrote: "Hi John. Good evening, I hope the weekend is well. Thanks for accepting me on your friends list. I look forward to doing some back reading on your many book reviews and come across some gems that I..."

Happy to meet you, Ken. Thanks for the earnest explanation of why you wanted to be friends in the invitation. It's rare someone explains like that. I ought to be reading more non-superhero comics this summer - Demo looks particularly appealing.

message 3: by John

John Wiswell Joe wrote: "Hi john, Thanks for accepting, What is the one book you would recommend to me?


We do seem to have fairly similar tastes, looking at our two book feeds. You're reading one of my all-time favorite novels right now. Comparing the lists, I'd next recommend Huxley's Brave New World. It's a wild vision of the future pregnant with social commentary.

Joseph Hi john, Thanks for accepting, What is the one book you would recommend to me?


SHAKIRA CHOONG My dear friend,
How have you been?
I would be very honoured if you could be so kind as to read my story and see it you like it?


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