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Books that shaped your spirituality

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message 1: by Kipahni (new)

Kipahni | 29 comments Books can be a powerful object that opens your mind to new ideas and shape your perspectives. I was curious to see what are the various books that shaped the worldview of those here in this group.

message 2: by Kipahni (new)

Kipahni | 29 comments either because there must have been books that made you decide not to be spiritual.
I use the word world view just so that I could include those who do not consider themself spiritual.
your spirituality (or lack of) shapes your world view

message 3: by Megan (new)

Megan "D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths" and a child's version of the Bible.

The first book because when I read, I noticed the similarity to Bible stories and became curious about why. So I started to read more and more about other mythologies and learned so much.

The second was sent to me as a small child by an aunt who's a Jehovah's Witness. Honestly, it scared me to bits. Reading the Greek Myths was such a relief.

message 4: by Dan (new)

Dan Like Megan, my religious views were shaped by Greek mythology. As a child, I fell in love with the stories of Zeus, Poseidon, etc., and I began to realize that the only difference between their gods of the gaps and ours (I was a Catholic) was that we still believed in ours.

Both No Logo and The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein have helped to shape my views on economics and politics. Noam Chomsky's books have also been influential.

message 5: by Kipahni (last edited Jan 19, 2009 01:55AM) (new)

Kipahni | 29 comments Great books, I added some to my to read list. I had to think really long on this. so here is the list, subject to modification; 1 John from the bible (because I think it captures the core meaningful point of the whole bible, which is to just love), The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical, Shane Claiborn (I like his semi-socialist ideas), Out of solitude, Henri Nowen (my introduction of the idea of quieting the spirit), The Zen teachings of Jesus, Kenneth Leong (helped me recognize how closely religions mirror each other), chirunning danny dryer (my introduction into chi living) A Short History of Nearly Everything Bill Bryson, and Sex and the Origions of Death William Clark (these last two books helped me decide in the validity of evolution.)

message 6: by Richard (new)

Richard My Way The Way of the White Clouds. It's not that only this specific book shaped my world view, but when I found it in the library I became interested in Osho.
And the total of his many books changed my perspective. For example Beware of socialism Five discourses given at Cross Maidan, Bombay, India, April 13 to 17, 1970 and On Basic Human Rights.

message 7: by Jana (new)

Jana These books have been powerful in my life:
The Bible
Lord I Want to be Whole by Stormie Omartian
The Battle Belongs to the Lord by Joyce Meyer
Handle with Prayer by Charles Stanley

message 8: by Chris (new)

Chris | 1 comments The Bible - And not how most would think. This book opened my mind to the truly horrific nature of the mythical God that people worship, or at least this particular incarnation. There have been so many invented by mankind for all the standard reasons.

-Unweaving The Rainbow
-Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
-The God delusion
-Pale Blue Dot

message 9: by Kipahni (new)

Kipahni | 29 comments okay gonna add another I just finished reading.
Non-violent Communication. Apply it to your life and prepare to see significant change.

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