Paranormal Romance & Urban Fantasy discussion

General Discussion > Suggestions please

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message 1: by Leslie (new)

Leslie I need suggestions for the aliens/space cowboys/space adventurers/space mercenaries category of the boko challenge. That type isn't something I read and I would like ot expand my horizons, so to speak.

Any help? Thanks

message 2: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Orlich Ahern (kittymeowxcore) | 97 comments haha wow. Normally I have suggestions, but this time I do not. I'm curious to see what responses you'll get. I'd totally read a space cowboy romance. :)

message 3: by IUHoosier (new)

IUHoosier | 25 comments If you've got an e-reader, try Dana Stabenow's Star Svendotter series. Its out of print now, but she offered it a year ago as an electronic format, so you can find it that way. Second Star is the first of the trilogy.

I like her other mystery series, which is why I've read them, but I'm afraid those are the only 'space' books I've read in a very long time.

message 4: by FlibBityFLooB (last edited Dec 29, 2009 07:40AM) (new)

FlibBityFLooB Aliens ---
Awaken Me Darkly (Alien Huntress, #1) by Gena Showalter The Host by Stephenie Meyer

message 5: by Yz the Whyz (last edited Dec 29, 2009 07:42AM) (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Linnea Sinclair's Dock Five Universe series

Gabriel's Ghost (Dock Five Universe, #1) by Linnea Sinclair Shades of Dark (Dock Five Universe, #2) by Linnea Sinclair Hope's Folly (Dock Five Universe, #3) by Linnea Sinclair

message 6: by Danielle The Book Huntress (last edited Dec 29, 2009 07:52AM) (new)

 Danielle The Book Huntress  (gatadelafuente) | 461 comments How about Ann Aguirre's Jax Cassidy series? Grimspace (Sirantha Jax, #1) by Ann Aguirre Wanderlust (Sirantha Jax, #2) by Ann Aguirre Doubleblind (Sirantha Jax, #3) by Ann Aguirre

CJ Barry has a space romance series:

Unearthed (UN-Forgettable, #1) by C.J. Barry Unleashed (UN-Forgettable, #3) by C.J. Barry Unmasked (UN-Forgettable, #4) by C.J. Barry Unraveled (UN-Forgettable, #2) by C.J. Barry Unchained by C.J. Barry

message 7: by Laurie (barksbooks) (last edited Dec 29, 2009 08:05AM) (new)

Laurie  (barksbooks) (barklesswagmore) Justine Davis's "The Skypirate" & "Lord of the Storm". Oldies but oh-so-good.

Laurie  (barksbooks) (barklesswagmore) Also Catherine Asaro's earlier books are great space opera's.

message 9: by Leslie (new)

Leslie I couldn't stand The Host, sorry. I read it becasue of the author and was very dissapointed.

Thanks for all the other suggestions. I will see if my library has them.

message 10: by The Flooze (new)

The Flooze (the_flooze) | 1593 comments I knew I kept this link for a reason!

Links to SFR authors:

message 11: by Yz the Whyz (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 1020 comments Mod
Oh...I like that link, Michelle M. :)

Laurie  (barksbooks) (barklesswagmore) Preeti hasn't updated this site in ages but it still has some great recommendations for SF romance:

message 13: by The Flooze (new)

The Flooze (the_flooze) | 1593 comments :)

Btw, his weekly and monthly book reporting is EXCELLENT. I just added umpteen books based on his vast info.

message 14: by Sally (new)

Sally (larwos) | 258 comments IUHoosier wrote: "If you've got an e-reader, try Dana Stabenow's Star Svendotter series. Its out of print now, but she offered it a year ago as an electronic format, so you can find it that way. [b..."
Diana Stabenow is one of my very favourite authors! Thankyou for the info on these books. I hope I can get them.

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