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King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa
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2023: Other Books > King Leopold's Ghost - Adam Hochschild (4 stars)

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Cora (corareading) | 1820 comments King Leopold's Ghost - Adam Hochschild

4 stars

King Leopold's Ghost is the account of the atrocities that occured in the Congo under the rule of King Leopold of Belgium. It recounts the genocide that often came with colonization and greed. I liked learning more about the history of Africa. Although I am aware of many of the horror that occured all over the world due to colonization, I was less aware of the specifics in Central Africa. I liked that the author attempted to include the voices of Africans, although he found very little first hand accounts by them that survived to our time. I would definitely recommend this book to those interested in history and human rights.

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