The Book Vipers discussion

Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics
This topic is about Prisoners of Geography
Group Reads - Non-Fiction > Group Non-Fiction Read Q2 2019 - Prisoners of Geography

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message 1: by Paul (new) - added it

Paul (halfmanhalfbook) | 5463 comments Mod
The discussion thread is now open. Spoilers are allowed on this thread. Don't read on if you haven't finished the book. Can you also unclick the 'Add to my update feed' people don't see your comments in their home screen.

Things to consider:

1. Did you like the book?
2. Do you think that the author covers the subject adequately?
3. Do you like the tone and language of the book?
4. Was there any part of the book that was important or significant to you?
5. Have you learnt anything from the book?
6. Has reading this encouraged you to look for other books on the subject?

Karen O I got interested in this book when it was nominated in a previous month, so I’ll look forward to reading it.

Anetq | 86 comments I really enjoyed this one, when I read it in 2016 - and heartily recommend it to anyone - while it's not the only explanation of foreign politics and wars, it explains a hell of a lot - and is very interesting along the way, even in a time where geography means less than before.

Karen O I did learn some interesting things about geography and political history from this book. However, when the author strays into his own views about this and that, it gets a bit annoying, and the whole thing has an offputting "for dummies" tone to it.

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