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Prisoners of Geography: Ten Maps That Tell You Everything You Need to Know About Global Politics
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Betsy | 153 comments This looks like a fascinating book. Not new, but one of my GR friends just reviewed it.

message 2: by Cheryl (new) - added it

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 650 comments Mod
Not old, either, 2015! It's on my list now, thank you!

message 3: by Lynn (new)

Lynn (rolymac) | 4 comments Me too! Thanks for the suggestion!

Betsy | 153 comments I've finally gotten around to reading this book. I received the paperback copy for Christmas last year, so I have a good copy of the maps. But the type is very small, so I ordered the kindle version from my local library, but it took me several months to rise through the wait list.

I'm about a third of the way through -- which may be close to half of the actual text -- and I'm really enjoying it. Very well written, understandable, and informative.

message 5: by Cheryl (new) - added it

Cheryl (cherylllr) | 650 comments Mod
Oh good! I forgot to come back here and report that it didn't work for me, but just as well because I don't want to discourage readers from it.

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