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The Audio Zone > Pseudopod for your short horror fiction needs!

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message 1: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Hello all

I co-edit Pseudopod - the short horror fiction podcast, where you can download - for free - a weekly reading of a piece of short horror fiction: classic, modern & contemporary! We run the wide gamut of horror fiction, pay for the stories we run and have recently had episodes featuring names such as Joe R. Lansdale, Thomas Ligotti and a host of others! I normally post the new story announcement in the SHORT STORIES folder but figured I'd drop a quick note here for those interested. Below is the posting for this week's episode:

Last Friday on Pseudopod...

Inspiration, motivation, mutilation......

It's "Self Portrait With Embellishments" by Ryan Dull, expertly read for you by Joe Calarco!

message 2: by Shawn W (new)

Shawn W Long-time listener...first -time caller.
LOVE your show! Creepy, disturbing and a little shocking...in all the best ways possible.

message 3: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Many thanks, Will! We strive hard to bring a variety of the best!

message 4: by Allyson (new)

Allyson | 3 comments Fabulous podcast! So creepy and a great selection of stories.

message 5: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Thank you so much! Every personal contact is appreciated!

message 6: by Quantum (new)

Quantum (quantumkatana) Just listened to Drift Right.
Great psychological horror! https://itun.es/us/PXtUk.c?i=10003824...

message 7: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Thanks! Should I consider posting about the new episode in a thread in this folder as well? I post about them in the SHORT FICTION folder here, generally

message 8: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments I'll try doing my weekly postings in this folder along with the Short Fiction folder. Please let me know if this is obtrusive - hey, a free audio horror short story once a week!

A week ago on PSEUDOPOD, ARTEMIS RISING's celebration of Women in Horror continued...

A missing child and a troubled brother. It all happens "In The Country" by Christi Nogle, read for you by Dagny Paul with special guest hosts Alexandra and Andrea from THE FACULTY OF HORROR!

message 9: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments This week on Pseudopod, ARTEMIS RISING continues!

A lamp on the beach, and a beautiful woman....

It's "The Lady With The Light" by Mel Kassel, read for you by Jon Padgett with guest hosting by Setsu Uzume!

message 10: by Lindsay (new)

Lindsay (heavyefinmetal) | 72 comments I'm happy this thread got resurrected so I saw it.. I love podcasts, and have been looking to add more into my feed. I'm off to subscribe right now :)

message 11: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments This week on Pseudopod.....capping off ARTEMIS RISING 3's WOMEN IN HORROR celebration

Flesh and Fertility in an alternate (?) world....

It's "Meat" by Sandra Odell, read for you by...wait for it....Linda Hamilton! Yes, TERMINATOR's Linda Hamilton!

message 12: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Last week on Pseudopod....

FLASH ON THE BORDERLANDS returns with 4 (count 'em) 4 stories! John Purfield, Amelia Gorman, Benjamin Blattberg & A. W. Baader are your authors; Brian Jay Lieberman, Laura Hobbs, John Chu & Christopher Reynaga your readers! As we learn again that HIGHER BEINGS COMMAND....their powers to the ground...

NASA aurora image from April 10, 2015, Delta Junction, Alaska

message 13: by Shawn (last edited Apr 23, 2017 07:24PM) (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments This week on Pseudopod....

A lost horror film and its ongoing influence....

It's "The Fear" by Richard Harland, expertly read by our own Graeme Dunlop!

message 14: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Last week on Pseudopod...

A scholar, a young gang leader, and a mine with an ancient secret...

It's "The Dog Pit" by Jason Fischer, read for you by Barry Haworth!

photo: Old Gladsome Mine, Comet Vale, Western Australia (in - public domain)

message 15: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments revisit a Pseudopod classic! Michael Chant's "Faith In Sips And Bites"!

message 16: by Shawn (last edited May 18, 2017 05:29PM) (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Two weeks ago on Pseudopod....

Babysitting a boy with an aggressive imaginary friend....

It's "Tessa Told Me" by Rob Kotecki, read for you by Makenzi Newman!

message 17: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments last week on Pseudopod...

the point where modern warfare and motherly love clash....

It's "That Only A Mother" by Judith Merril, read for you by Dagny Paul!

(photo - The Cascara from Babycotpod - http://www.ifitshipitshere.com/the-ca...)

message 18: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments This week on Pseudopod....

When titans walk....

It's "Under The Rubble" by John Wiswell, read for you by Marguerite Kenner! Special soundbed production by yours truly, Shawn M. Garrett, especially dedicated to Akira Ifukube & Einstürzende Neubauten!

message 19: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Early June on Pseudopod....

An abandoned neighborhood, a missing husband....

It's "Indiscretions" by Hillary Dodge, read for you by Christiana Ellis!

message 20: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Last week on Pseudopod...

It all started with penchant for sniffing hair...

It's "Monsters Exist" by Ian McHugh, read for you by The Spectre Collector himself, Ron Jon!

message 21: by Shawn (last edited Jun 17, 2017 03:51PM) (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments This week on PSEUDOPOD

"Crooked trees and reedy light, / Thin stone fingers obscure sight, / Through mazy brush’s skeleton, / Creeps the dwarf who shows you in."

It's "Escape to Thin Mountain" by Jon Padgett, read and sung for you by Dagny Paul!

message 22: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Back on June 23rd on Pseudopod...

How do you solve a problem like Messiah?

It's "Lord Randy, My Son" by Joe L. Hensley!

message 23: by Shawn (last edited Jul 11, 2017 08:35PM) (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Last week on Pseudopod...

"When you let go, you are truly free"

It's "Flash On The Borderlands XXXVIII: Letting Go", with stories by Ruth Booth, Richard Farren Barber & Samuel Marzioli, read for you by Andrew Reid, Moaner Lawrence & Spencer Disparti!

message 24: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments THIS week on Pseudopod....

An overgrown house, a strange old lady, some disturbing magazines and something in the back room. It's "Again!" by Ramsey Campbell, read for you by Ant Bacon!

message 25: by Nix (new)

Nix Muse (nixmuse) | 6 comments This is STILL the best horror fiction podcast out there.

message 26: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Thanks!

message 27: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments About a month ago on Pseudopod....

Broken mirrors, broken minds...

It's "Alison" by Seras Nikita, read for you by Dagny Keith Paul!

message 28: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments 3 weeks ago on Pseudopod...

Context is everything...

It's "The All Or Nothing Days" by Gus Moreno, read for you by Maui Threv!

message 29: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments 2 weeks ago on Pseudopod

Tragic monsters

It's "Fade To Gold" by Benjanun Sriduangkaew, read for you by Jen Zink!

message 30: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments A week ago on Pseudopod...

A doll is not an imitation of life....

It's "A Doll Full Of Nails" by Ville Meriläinen, read for you by Riku Kanninen!

message 31: by Shawn (last edited Aug 12, 2017 05:13PM) (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments This week on Pseudopod...

Eternal cycles, death and revolution...

It's "Four Hours of a Revolution" by Premee Mohamed, read for you by Ian Stuart!

message 32: by Shawn (last edited Sep 02, 2017 02:23PM) (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Two weeks ago on Pseudopod....

Life in the tree-tops, after the end of it all...but man is always hungry....

It's "Evitative" by B.C. Edwards, read for you by Dani Daly, with a specially crafted soundbed by your humble servant.


message 33: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Last week on Pseudopod...

The open road, love, money, freedom...and a death-cult in the way...

It's "‘Till the Road Runs Out" by Luciano Marano, read for you by the redoubtable Dave Robison!

message 34: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Yesterday on Pseudopod...

The lives of artists and aesthetes, in service to a yellow king...

It's "Toward the Banner of the King" by T.R. North, read for you by Justine Eyre!

message 35: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Last week on Pseudopod...

The costs of service, to you and yours...

It's "Granite Requires" by T.J. Berry, read for you by Laura Hobbs!


message 36: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments A month ago on Pseudopod....

Diogenes had it easy....

It's "Better to Curse the Darkness than Light a Candle" by Joseph Cusumano, read by Cheyenne Wright!

message 37: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments A month and a half ago on Pseudopod....

Kudzu, and the secrets it conceals...

I am very proud to present "Where The Summer Ends" by Karl Edward Wagner, read (and audio produced!) for you by the indomitable Anson Mount!

message 38: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments A couple of weeks ago on Pseudopod...

Social media assemblagé...

It's "A Howling Dog" by Nick Mamatas, read by "divers voyce"

message 39: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Three weeks ago on Pseudopod...

“All great things must first wear terrifying and monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

It's FLASH ON THE BORDERLANDS XXXIX: TERATOLOGY featuring stories by Cassandra Khaw, Getty Hesse & Chris Kuriata, read for you by Mae Zarris-Heaney, Maui Threv &John Bell!

message 40: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Two weeks ago on Pseudopod...

"Bad luck isn't brought by broken mirrors. But by broken minds..."

It's "Hello, Handsome" by Garrett Cook, read for you by The Word Whore! Music by Terrortron!


message 41: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Last week on Pseudopod...

The old shell game...

It's "Cuckoo" by Angela Slatter, read for you by Victoria Winnick!

message 42: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments This week on Pseudopod...

A Visit to Halloween Street, and a parade...

It's Flash On The Borderlands XL: Halloween Street by Steve Rasnic Tem and read to you by Alasdair Stuart, Brian Lieberman, Setsu Uzume and Daniel Braum!

message 43: by Shawn (last edited Dec 16, 2017 11:25AM) (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments A little over a month ago on PSEUDOPOD...

The horrors of the German camps birth further horrors...

It's "Passover" by Caspian Gray, read for you by Elie Hirschman!

message 44: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments A month(ish) ago on PSEUDOPOD...

A drive in the country, a strange house, and strange doorways...

It's "The Room in the Other House" by Kristi DeMeester, read by Jacquie Duckworth!

message 45: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments A month ago on Pseudopod!

Archaic evidence of past debaucheries...

Pseudopod is very proud to present "The Black Stone" by Robert E. Howard, read for you by Andrew Leman!

message 46: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments For Thanksgiving, Pseudopod presents for your delectation the other, other, other white meat...

It's "The Jamcoi", cooked up by J.M. McDermott, and carefully prepared by Setsu Uzume!

message 47: by Shawn (last edited Dec 16, 2017 12:12PM) (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments two weeks late, Pseudopod presents...

The story of a haunted house, told from the only one left to say...

It's "Haunted" by Sarah Gailey, read for you by Dani Daly!

message 48: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Last week on Pseudopod...

The story of a tragedy, collage style...

It's "Deconstructing Hillsdale" by D. Morgan Ballmer, read by (of NoSleep) & divers voyce...

message 49: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments Also this week on Pseudopod...

Cool air for a long life.

It's "Bitter Perfume" by Laura Blackwell, read for you by Emily Smith.

message 50: by Shawn (new)

Shawn | 1168 comments This week on Pseudopod...

Pain, the arts & The King In Yellow...

It's "While the Black Stars Burn" by Lucy A. Snyder, read for you by Tatiana Grey!

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