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message 1: by Kipahni (new)

Kipahni | 144 comments Just curious to know what books shaped your worldview.

Also do you read a book in hope that it will change your perspective?

message 2: by Apokripos (new)

Apokripos (apokalypse) For me the book that literally revolutionize the way I see the world was The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey which i just read last year... The book have a tremendous influence on me on how to lead the business of my life and be disciplined by the irrefutable principles of life...
i think it's a must read for all those who want to find the path to themselves...
Such a revealing and uplifting book... It truly give you the courage to step into the future and looking at the big picture...
Well that's the book that changed or rather set me on a paradigm shift...

message 3: by Stuart (last edited Mar 11, 2009 04:21PM) (new)

Stuart (stuartellis) A collection of some short stories by G.K. Chesterton, which led me to reading The Napoleon of Notting Hill and some of his other writing. All of his work is full of compassion, wit and insight, and I find him inspiring as well as entertaining.

Less happily, Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky, which was on the reading list of a university course. Although I don't agree with some of the political views of the author, the book certainly had a powerful effect on my thinking.

About two years ago, I switched jobs to become a programmer, and was surprised to find that there is a keen interest in productivity, self improvement and human behaviour in software engineering. To become a rounded developer you are expected to read books like the The Mythical Man-Month and The Pragmatic Programmer, which are more about addressing how we manage ourselves and work with others than technology, and I've learned a lot.

I heard about Getting Things Done from that source. I wouldn't say that it changed my worldview, but it has certainly had a positive impact - following some of the ideas in it has made me noticeably better organized and less stressed.

message 4: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Not buying it by Judith Levine has really changed my perspective on purchases. As did the Oliver James book on a similar topic. Name escapes me at the moment.

message 5: by Chrissie (new)

Chrissie I cannot list just one. Don't they all? Don't good books get you thinking about what you value in life, or make you appreciate what you have, or make you laugh and that affects how you treat others and then how they treat yout etc and etc....... And when your own life is driving you crazy they are escape to help you continue. So books always affect my life.

message 6: by Stuart (new)

Stuart (asfus) | 86 comments The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. It made me realise as a kid of about eight that the good guys can lose sometimes. It also made me burst into tears....

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